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The select few that work within the Vatican are called the Roman Curia. The entire body of cardinals is known as the College of Cardinals.

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Q: Body of cardinals that serve the pope are called?
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What is the body of cardinals that serve as advisers the pope called?

The Roman Curia are those cardinals (and others) assigned to work in the Vatican as heads of departments and as advisers to the pope.

Who served as advisers to the pope and as a governing body for the Church?

All the bishops, including the cardinals, serve to advise the pope on major issues.

What do cardinals serve as to a pope?

Cardinals advise the pope and some are assigned to work in specific positions in the Vatican.

What do you call the bishops that elect the pope?

Bishops that elect the pope are called cardinals.

Is the college of cardinals the deciding body when it comes to Church policy or the pope?

The final decision is the pope's.

What is a private meeting of cardinals to select a pope is called?

It is called a conclave.

What do Catholic Cardinals do?

The Titular pastors of the parishes of Rome comprise the Sacred College of Cardinals. They are appointed by the reigned Holy Father, and their primary responsibility is to elect the next Pope. According to Canon Law, all Cardinals must now be priests.

What is the closed assembly of cardinals for the election of a pope?

It is called a conclave.

Who decides on the next pope to be chosen?

The College of Cardinals chooses the pope in a secret meeting called a conclave.

Who appoints the cardinals?

The pope appoints the cardinals.

Who elects new popes?

The College of Cardinals is the body that selects a new pope. This group consists of all members of the clergy with the title of cardinal which are under the age of 80. Although it is not mandatory to do so, the College of Cardinals has elected a new pope from among themselves in every Papal Conclave since 1378. As per Catholic tradition, any unmarried, baptized, adult male member of the Catholic Church may be elected by the College. The College is also the chief body that advises the Pope when the pontiff summons a consistory (formal meeting of all cardinals) to Rome.

Why did Pope Benedict XVII become pope?

there hasn't been a pope Benedict XVII the pope now is Benedict XVI He was elected by the College of Cardinals, a body of his peers, as our current Pope is the former Cardinal Josef Ratzinger.