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Q: Bonding between atoms on the left and right sides of the periodic table tends to be?
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Is it impossible to bond between atoms on the left and right sides of the periodic table?

yes as long as they cancel out

Where is the largest atoms are found where on the periodic table?

The largest atoms on the periodic table are the heavier alkali metals.

What happens to the atomic size of the atoms as you go from left to right of the periodic table?

The atomic radius decrease from left to right in the periodic table.

Electronegativity increases when atoms .?

B. are located on the right on the Periodic TableC. have a small atomic radius

What are 3 atoms that have the highest electronegativities?

C.Atoms with a small atomic radiusD.Atoms to the right on the periodic table

Which atoms will likely form a covalent bond with the atoms of chlorine?

Atoms on the Right Hand Side of the periodic table - Carbon, Phosphorous, Chlorine itself etc

Why is covalent bonding the main bond between molecules?

because its between a non-metal and another non-metal and there arn't the most common out of the periodic table, but are the ones that are the most in numbers at least thats what i think.... i hope that i right or helps......

Atoms that have fuller outer electron shells are farther to the left in the periodic table.?

No, to the right side

What type of elements typically compose molecular compounds?

Molecular compounds are formed when the intramolecular bonds are covalent instead of ionic. These are formed by non-metallic atoms bonding with other non-metallic atoms.

What is the element that forms a bride between left and right sides of the periodic table?

The transition elements form a bridge between left and right sides of the periodic table.

How do you do valency of an atoms?

You will have to check the valency from a periodic table. It will be written on the top right hand corner. e.g., O2

Describe relationships between elements using the periodic table.HELP?

As you go across the periodic table from left the right the metallic nature decreases and the non- metallic nature increase. As we go down the group of atoms on the metal side the atoms get bigger and being metals loose electrons more easily therefore become more reactive As we go the group of atoms on the non metal side the atoms get smaller and are less likely for electrons to be gained