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Botox is so effective because it is the only wrinkle treatment that targets the underlying cause of wrinkles, the muscle.

It is used to temporarily improve the look of both moderate to sever crow’s feet lines and frown lines between the eyebrows.

Fillers add volume to different areas. Fillers are generally used to lift cheeks, smooth parentheses lines, or plump the lips.

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Q: Botox injections smooth facial wrinkles because botulin is a?
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What is the purpose of Restylane injections?

The purpose of Restylane injections is to add volume to the skin to correct facial wrinkles and folds. Restylane injections are FDA approved for lip injections.

In what facial features might one get a collagen injection?

Collagen injections are often used as facial fillers. Collagen injections are often done to the facial area, particularly around the eyes and on the forehead to reduce wrinkles.

What are some of the alternatives to forehead lifts?

include injections of filler materials under the skin to smooth wrinkles or injections of botulinum toxin to paralyze the facial muscles involved in frowning or brow wrinkling.

Are cosmetic injections worth the risk?

Cosmetic injections are used to treat facial wrinkles. It sounds like a simple procedure, but there are risks involved. Bacterial infections and viruses can be transmitted through these procedures especially if the injections were given by unlicensed medical provider.

Do you get wrinkles when you yawn?

Virtually all facial expressions cause wrinkles to form. That is one reason using some injected chemicals for wrinkles freeze a muscle or three and cause that person to be ubable to make certain facial expressions. Wrinkles, and dry skin, can be eased by thorough cleansing every night, using facial moisturizer, and using an eye moisturizer.

What can be done to delay facial wasting?

If you are suffering from facial wasting due to disease, in August, 2004 the FDA approved facial injections of Poly-L-Lactic Acid, also known as Sculptra. It may be a month before you see a difference and several injections may be required.

Do facial massagers help with wrinkles?

yes they do it helps to stimulate the blood and give you that youthful appearance.

How do you say wrinkle in Japanese?

Shiwa (皺) This should work for both clothing and facial wrinkles.

Does drinking green tea improve your facial skin?

Yes, its supposed to reduce wrinkles, I think

Can facial steamers help your face look younger?

I have tried facial steamers, and was amazed to see my wrinkles had dissapeared completely, and i no longer had spots, so the answer would be yes.

Does smiling help to stop wrinkles?

Sure does, and it uses lots less facial muscles, too. Smiling uses about 7 facial muscles, where frowning uses 54.

What can you use on your lips that has the same effect as botox?

BOTOX injections are not used on the lips. If they were, the patients lips would go numb and not work, since BOTOX is a relaxer. This is because BOTOX is used to deliver the appearance of smoother skin by relaxing the facial muscles that create wrinkles. If a patient wanted fuller lips, they would need to inquire with a surgeon who offers Dermal Fillers like Juvederm.