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Convergent Boundary

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Q: Boundaries occur when plates bump together?
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What is when 2 plates boundaries bump together?

Two plates collide (bump together) at a convergent boundary.

How do earthquakes occur on convergent boundaries?

Earthquakes occur on convergent boundaries because as the plates bump together, the ground becomes unstable. This process of plate movement also causes the formation of mountains.

What happens at colliding boundaries?

these boundaries are formed when two plates collide. When the two plate bump one plate is absorbed in the mantle of the other. Heat and pressure when these plates collide causes volcanoes and earthquakes.

Why do earthquakes usually occur at plate boundaries?

Most earthquakes occur on plate boundaries for a variety of reasons. When plates in the earth's crust move, they scrape or bump each other on the edges and boundaries. Therefore, the movements of the plates are more likely to be felt along the edges, where all of the activity takes place. This is also why volcanoes form primarily at plate boundaries. The moving plates push magma through cracks in the earth's crust, forming volcanoes.

What is the definition of colliding boundary?

these boundaries are formed when two plates collide. When the two plate bump one plate is absorbed in the mantle of the other. Heat and pressure when these plates collide causes volcanoes and earthquakes.

What is colliding boundary?

these boundaries are formed when two plates collide. When the two plate bump one plate is absorbed in the mantle of the other. Heat and pressure when these plates collide causes volcanoes and earthquakes.

What causses an earthquake?

An Earthquake is caused when tectonic plates bump together and cause friction. This movement can send tremors up through the Earth and can spread out over very large distances. Or you could think of it as the tectonic plates are like puzzle pieces, they slot together as their surfaces are rough. If one came unstuck on one of the faults (which make up plate boundaries) i would cause and Earthquake.

How does the continental drift form?

Continental drift is what happens when the Earth's plates shift either towards or away from the other plates. Earthquakes occur when two of the plates bump into each other. It happens when the magma from within the Earth rises up and pushes the plates, due high pressure they pose. That's the best I can do.

What kind of plates bump into each other?


Why are there so many earthquakes in Asia?

All earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics, that is the movement of the different plates that make up the surface of our earth. Earthquakes occur at the boundaries between these plates, (there are 7 plates), when the plates "bump" up against one another or separate enough. The place where these incident occur are called "fault lines". There are two major fault lines in close proximity to the nation of China, and the activity in these fault lines occasionally coincide, giving the illusion of high activity. The reality is that earthquakes in China are no more frequent than in other areas where plate tectonics occur around the globe.

What are the general ways that plates move or interact?

They either slide apart or slide together. If they slide apart, over millions of years they form oceans or things like the grand canyon. If they collide they form mountains and volcanos. They bump into each other and move away.

Why is the crust broken into plates?

These plates move around slowly and bump into each other creating mountains, new seafloor, and earthquakes.