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I had several feet of gangrenous small intestine removed when I was 13.

A benign tumour had blocked the intestine causing waves of pain and vomiting which lasted for several months without successful diagnosis. Until finally taken to casualty the GP had diagnosed (guessed) at colic, glandular fever, or just a pretend illness!

For the 1 or 2 weeks before having emergency surgery the pain ebbed then went away (although the vomiting continued). This is probably about the time gangrene set it. It was in fact a welcome relief and removed the need to take painkillers. Although the pain had gone overall wellbeing deteriorated (but the GP said it must be getting better because the pain had gone!).

So in summary I'd say gangrene feels better than having the pain, but it results in worsening overall condition.

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What is bowel gangrene?

Gangrenous bowel is when parts of the intestine lose their blood supply and die. This is caused by a twist in the intestine or blood clots.

What is gangrene of the intestines?

Bowel Gangrene is when the blood supply in a person's body cannot reach a section of either there upper or lower intestine. The loss of blood flow causes the bowel to die. If the section of bowel is not removed immediately, the loss of blood flow will keep spreading and killing anything it can.

What are the early signs of gangrene?

There are several different early signs of gangrene to watch for. Swelling and pain, changes in the color of your skin to red, brown, or black, and if you have a fever and feel sick you may have gangrene.

Why dp I feel bloated after bowel movement?

Because you are.

Where can gangrene be found?

Gangrene can be found any place in the body where tissue is without adequate blood supply and has become necrotic (dead). It is usually found on external parts of the body, most commonly found on the toes, fingers, feet and hands, but there can also be gangrene in internal organs, such as the bowel or appendix and gallbladder.

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I think the more bowel movements a day the better you will feel, as long as the bowel movement isn't diarrhea.

Does gangrene smell?

Dry gangrene doesn't

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What is the scientific name for gangrene?

The scientific name for gangrene is "necrosis." Gangrene occurs when there is death of body tissue due to lack of blood flow or infection.

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Will feel a warm liquid in you. After he pulls out, you may feel the need to have a bowel movement.

Where does gas gangrene hide out?

Gas Gangrene is in the air if not on your body

What is the scientific name for gas gangrene?

Gangrene is the scientific name.