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Q: Boys who mature late?
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Are girls more mature than boys?

yes.girls do mature way faster then boys. girls mature between 18,19,or 20.i think boys mature when they are like 26 or close to their 30's. I dont think so and im a girl boys just dont mature faster. My sister is in 8th grade and all the boys there are immature and she and all her friends are mature.

Are boys better children than girls?

well... girls are more mature than boys and are always sensible but boys are more mature when there about 13

Does girls mature faster than boys?

The answer is yes for some people, while for others it's no. The speed of maturity in you depends on the genes you inherited from your parents, like for example if both your parents were 'late bloomers,' it's likely that you'll mature slowly, but you'll still mature. However, studies show that the speed of maturity in girls are usually more faster than boys.

How and when do boys learn to be boys?

If this means maturing, it happens during puberty, which occurs throughout the teen years. Although, some boys never mature, or they may not fully mature.

Correct the sentence the boys and Amanda was late?

Amanda and the boys were late.

What age do most boys mature at?

they usually do aroud 12 or 13, but some boys mature at around 15. it depends on the boy That last answer was a little wrong, actually boys START to mature at like 13-15 but they FULLY mature by like 40 or so. But don't worry that's not forever and as a teenager they are mature enough to be in a relationship with a certain girl.

Why are boys always bad?

Let's just say that boys do not mature as fast as girls do.

Are girls better at school than boys?

Because girls mature faster than boys because they have more problems in life to mature with. But boys don't really care bout those kinds of problems.

How long does a kid take to learn to be mature?

It normally takes boys longer to mature then girls. Boy

What do you call someone who is born late?

= If a baby is born early it's mature if the babies are born late probley mature or immature. I realy don't know. =

What is zone of Maturization?

On average girls are more mature when they turn 10. Boys become more mature when they are maybe 13.

Who thinks faster boys or girls?

I think girls because they grow more mature and faster , than boys .