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Q: Breeding net says to remove female after she drops eggs but male needs to fertilize them still so I am confused how the net works.?
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Can you put a female and male Betta fish in the same tank or bowl or will they fight to death?

It's best to only put male and female betta fish in the same tank/bowl if you are breeding them. If they are not breeding and they still stay in the same area, the male would most likely attack the female, so keep the female away! Also, if you are breeding betta fish, make sure to remove the female betta after she lays her eggs, as the male will care for them and chase the female away.

When and how do brooke trout mate?

In the fall. Female makes a gravel "redd" by fanning on gravel to remove sediment and making a small indent in river bottom. Female lies on redd and then releases eggs. Males are eagerly waiting behind the female to fertilize! Whoo Hoo!

What if the dad goldfish is not there when the mother goldfish is pregnant?

Goldfish fertilize externally, so that's not a problem. The female just lays eggs while the male fertilizes them afterwards. After that, it would be best to remove the eggs as soon as possible because they can easily be eaten by accident. Unlike human births, goldfish births don't require a lot of fatherly support. On the other hand, some other fish like bettas do have males that protect their eggs. In that case, it would be best to remove the female after eggs are laid. It's important to note that fish breeding is quite difficult and is usually done by experienced breeders.

What do you do when a female cockatiel tries to mate with another female?

If you have another bird in the cage, whether male or female, you should remove the other from the cage permanently, unless you are breeding them. In which case you would removed any other males from the cage.

What does it mean to neuterer a dog?

To neuter a male dog is to remove testicles from the sac, but leaving the sac attached. This renders the dog incapable of breeding. To spay a female dog is to remove the uterus and/or ovaries, which renders her incapable of breeding, as well. This is recommended for both male and female dogs that you don't plan to breed for two reasons. One is to help prevent so many unwanted dogs from being born, and it also prevents testicular cancer in males and ovarian/uterine cancer in females.

What do you do if your female Betta is ready to have her babies?

The male and female bettas will do a mating ritual involving a dance, flaring at one another, and ending with the male coaxing the eggs from the female. when this happens, carefully remove the female from the tank (she will try to eat the eggs) and allow the male to fertilize and care for the eggs. Wait approximately 2-3 days untill the fry are free-swimming and remove the male. Then feed the fry either special fry food or microworms. Make sure the water flow is lowered for the fry once the father is out. Good luck!

Should the male betta be removed after breeding the female?

It is not normal for a female Betta splendens to die after spawning. In the wild the female would swim away and leave the male to look after the nest and its contents. When bred in a small aquarium that is not possible so the female should be removed before the male kills her.

Female betta splendas are kept with a male now they are really fat they look like marbles with heads and tails whats wrong?

You should not keep female betta fish with males, unless you are breeding them and research about it first. The females are going to lay eggs. After they lay eggs, remove them from the tank, and leave the male in the tank.

What are the breeding habits of electric blue jack dempsey's?

Once mature the pair pair will claim a spot in the aquarium and eventually lay their eggs, usually on a rock or other object in the aquarium. Once laid it's a good idea to remove the female for her safety.

How to clean betta fish that are breeding?

The less messing around you do in a breeding tank the better. If absolutely necessary you could syphon a little water from the base of the tank to remove uneaten food or poo.

How do you remove all your leg hair if your a female?

shave it

Your hen laid many eggs and broke them you remove her but now she laid again but she did not brake it what to do?

You can either cook the egg on a frying pan, or let the male fertilize it.