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Q: Bridgeport Up to Date Fish and Chips?
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It's usually the fish in fish chips and it was once so abundant in the North Atlantic that fishers could scoop it up in barrels What is this now nearly vanished fish?


What is the national dish of Yemen?

people love jello but its not the jello you eat it has fish and deer meat all wrap up with onions and tomato

Why did the man cover the head of a stranger with grease?

The stranger was in a photo on the newspaper that wrapped up the mans fish and chips.

What does a bridgeport boring machine do?

A bridgeport mill, with a boring head adapter, will clean up and provide very round and close tolerance diameters. ie a bushing.

Why do british people eat fish and chips?

tradition Because it's a cheap easy meal to pick up from the chippy on the way home from work or after a night in the pub :-)))))) or my favourite is steak & kidney pudding chips & peas

Why do british people like fish and chips?

Because it is a traditional dish particularly for the urban working class. It is said that fish and chips or at least the deep fried fish part of the dish has its origins in the influx of Jewish immigrants to the UK. Fish friers sold fried fish which because it was cooked before the sabbath could be consumed as a tasty snack on the sabbath. The non Jewish population also liked this fried fish particularly if accompanied by potato chips (French fries). The rise of fish and chips as a popular dish follows the rise of the factory system. Hard pressed workers particularly women with a family to feed and little time to cook when they came home after a long days labour found fish and chips a convenient way to feed their family from time to time. They were cheap as Britain produces a lot of potatoes and was surrounded by seas rich in fish particularly cod and haddock. The development in the 19th century of the steam trawler and refrigeration opened up the fish rich Icelandic waters to British fishermen and made fish even cheaper. Fish and chips became for the British their first convenience/take away food. It is worth noting that so popular was fish and chips and so important to working people's morale that throughout the second world war fish and chips was never subject to rationing unlike other foods. Apart from that we like fish and chips because they taste good. Sadly they become more and more expensive as fish stocks decline and compared to my childhood in the 1950's the fish get smaller. Or maybe that I have got bigger!

How many feet is it from new york to bridgeport?

264,000 feet up I-95 NORTH.

Why John Mayer loves Connecticut?

He was born in Bridgeport, CT and grew up in Fairfield, CT!

Who opened the first fish and chip Shop in England?

A man from America named Paul Wokesfield He decided that fish tasted nice with boiled potatoes and began making and selling them as his business. Soon, other people caught up, and tried improving it, until finally, fried fish and chips were there

Are fish and chips from England?

I'm making the assumption, the person who wrote this question is American, and I am British - English to be exact; and it's a stereotypical view on the British that we love fish and chips. However the majority of the English do like fish and chips. It is popular because we are able to cook and produce and prepare it for a cheap price, and sell for a reasonable profit. It is a fast food, and widely available for people as chips are very popular for there taste, cost and appeal.

What is Connie Talbot's fav food?

Connie has said while being interviewed in Korea that she liked broccoli and chicken. After her Britain's Got Talent final, instead of taking her parents up on going out to eat at a nice restaurant, she opted to go home instead and have fish and chips. She was seen in Korea eating a plate of desserts. We don't know what her fav food is but that may give you some idea of what she likes. She has been shown on Yfrog pics eating fish and chips. Her father has taken her out for fish and chips too. If you would like to ask her on fan email a LINK to her web site is provided below.

What makes up a bedrock?

Potatoe chips.