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4 1/2 billion years ago there was a super nova or maybe a collision of suns that resulted in a coalescence of materials into several balls ball circling a sun in an orbit. The ball we call earth ball was unstable and very hot and would rock about and cause huge disruptions on the surface. It was constantly being bombarded by asteroids of every description that contributed different elements to its composition. These elements formed into water and air. The water was pulled up on land and washed back to pools constantly from the gravity of the sun.This large area of tides created an environment that allowed simple types of life to form. The earth spun about rapidly and days were very short.
Eventually it was struck by a huge asteroid as big as a small planet that merged with its core and blew a big chunk of about 40% of it into a smaller ball that revolved around the larger ball. This smaller ball is the moon. The moon caused the earth to stabilize and stop rocking around so much. It tilted to 23 degrees or so and stayed that way so there could be constant weather patterns. It slowed its spin to a longer day. This moon also created a gravity pull on the waters that nullified some of the huge tidal actions of the suns gravity so the tides slowed and got smaller. Some life survived the collision and began to mutate and evolve. This stability allowed life to emerge and develop more fully as the surface cooled and hardened. The crusts formed and then expansion caused them to collide and mountains were formed. The land receded more from the water and land creatures emerged over time from the water life.
These creatures evolved into man who quickly set about to destroy the environment he was created in. He is almost done ruining the planet for life. So it is a cycle of creation and destruction. Someday the sun will explode and all of earth will be consumed and the raw materials will form into something else.

Another theory is that a man-god spoke words that created the earth after he created the heavens with words. This man-god was very strict and mean and made a lot of rules that were harshly enforced. He used weather to punish and control the little god creatures he created in his image. These creatures have been a source of great disappointment ever since they were formed. This man-god created death to punish them but they breed faster than they die and are polluting the environment of the earth paradise that was created for them.

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