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Benedict Arnold

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Q: Brillant American general who invaded Canada which foiled Burgoyne's invasion and in 1780 betrayed his country?
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Brilliant American general who invaded Canada foiled burgoynes invasion and then betrayed his country in 1780?

It could be Benedict Arnold.

What was the spanish American war called in Mexico?

Invasion Estadounidense de Mexico or: American invasion of Mexico

What percentage of the d day invasion force were American?

There were 5 invasion beaches on D-day. 2 American, 2 British and 1 Canadian.

Which invasion beaches were assigned to American troops?

Omaha and Utah were the American beaches.

What did Mexicans call the Mexican American War?

The American Invasion. The War of '47.

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It was the British-American Invasion of North Africa.

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When he betrayed the us he became in our minds a terrorist. He was always a terrorist in some perspective just during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan we helped him out as our ally

What is the site in Cuba called where American trained invasion force of Cubans landed in 1961?

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What American personally took part in the invasion of Cuba?

Theodore Roosevelt took part in the invasion of Cuba.

Do you have a timeline about the thomasites that is connected to the American invasion?

=1898 - 1935=

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