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The British Army took Sword beach and Gold beach.

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Q: British d-day beaches
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What occuered on d-day?

the thing that occurred on DDay was one of the very invasions on Omaha beach, Utah beach, Sword beach it involved the U.S army invading the beaches and the British a Lot of men died

What was dday and where?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of German occupied France, on the beaches of Normandy on 6 june,1944.

Where was dday located?

five beaches at Normany, France....omaha, utah, gold, sword and juno on 6 June 1944..................

What were the Canadian accomplishments on D-Day?

The Canadians were the first allied forces to take a beach on dday and had moved further inland then any other force and Juno Beach was one of the most heavily defended beaches as well.

What was the importance of dday?

D-Day was designed to be the last push on germany. D Day was the first step in taking the war back to Hitlers Europe. At that time the Russians were pressing in the East and were taking most of the casualties in the war. Italy had been invaded by the Allies but a new front was required. Dday was the day on which (at that time) the greatest sea armada ever known was lauched against the Normandy coast. The invasion area was set into five beaches. Despite what Hollywood says it was not a solely US affair. The Americans had two of the areas, the British had two and the Canadians had one.

Where do you sign up for paintball d day?

For Skirmish Dday you have to call. I assume it is the same for Oklahoma and other big dday games also.

What was D-Day about?

dday what a final attack of the axis powers on the allies no mate... dday was he day that the retard from America predicted the end of the world on 21st may 2011.. and failed. haha to all the believers.. if it was me saying we were gona die tomorrow.. you wouldn't believe me would you. but yeah dday is now 21st october 2011... which ain't gona happen either. so yeahh that's all there is. hope this helps :)

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jaankaree, aank-dday

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Why didn't they bomb the beaches on D-Day during World War 2?

Anti tank and aircraft guns. (anti tank guns could be easily converted to anti aircraft) It would been relatively pointless. Omaha beach along with all the beaches on DDAY were meant to be bombed prior to the landings but with the large amount of smoke (caused my grass fires) from the naval bombardment allied pilots could not properly identify their targets. To avoid the risk of dropping bombs short on the landing craft nearing the beaches the loads were dropped behind the beach head causing little to no damage. Utah beach was effectively bombed prior to the landings providing decent cover to troops which in turn lead to lighter casualties. This was one of the major failures on DDAY considering the size of the air strike and the planning that went into it.