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DON'T BRUSH YOUR TEETH THE FIRST DAY!!! I know it will be kind of gross, but you can't brush your teeth the first day because you may loosen the stitches. And if the stitches come out, then you will have a disgusting, bloody mess and would have to go back to the dentist to get the stitches re-sewn. That would not be fun! :(

24 hours after surgery you can start brushing your teeth. Brush VERY GENTLY and go VERY SLOWLY when brushing near the wounds.

*I would recommend using toothpaste with baking soda as soon as you can start brushing because in a few days after surgery, you will start getting a disgusting taste in your mouth which is basically your wound oozing out bacteria. (I know it sounds gross... it is. But it's true!) The baking soda will help give you a sweeter, fresher taste in your mouth, and will hopefully stop the oozing within 1 or 2 days instead of a week!

Hope this information helped! Good luck with your surgery. :D

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Q: Brushing your teeth after your wisdom teeth have been pulled?
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gums will only "pull away" from teeth if bacteria is present between the gingiva (gum) and tooth surface, or you are brushing too hard! If you havent been brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day, you should start before your teeth fall out!

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i have had my wisdom tooth pulled yesterday, it hasnt been 24hrs, and i believe that is normal. it hurts to smile or even swallow because i have a huge hole that has been sewn shut. so yes i think its totally normal.

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yes it is normal, a mild rinsing after you eat will help speed up the healing.

2 year with teeth pain in the back where wisdom teeth grow?

If it has been that long just go see an oral surgeon.

What do wisdom teeth look like?

There is no "look" to it. It's painful, swollen and requires antibiotics up to and until the point where the oral surgeon can now remove the wisdom tooth, once the antibiotics have taken affect. Consult your oral surgeon about this.

If one has a big hole in an adult wisdom tooth can it be pulled or does it have to be surgically removed?

It depends on the tooth and how it is in your mouth. Some wisdom teeth can be removed without surgery and some need surgery. The hole doesn't really affect needing surgery or not. Wisdom teeth, if bothersome, usually are pulled. Most dentists prefer you see an oral surgeon just in case their should be any problems (generally there isn't.) Just a little info as to why we have to put up with these miserable little additions in our mouth, here is why some people have them: As you know we have changed with evolution, and thousands of years ago we had wider jaws, and needed more teeth. As our faces and bodies slimmed down to suit our generations to come, and unfortunately, for some, we have been blessed with wisdom teeth. They are useless and if they bother you in any way (even very sore gums back in your jaw ... this means the wisdom tooth is not quite coming through) it is best to have them removed. Good luck Marcy

How many wisdom teeth?

We have four, two on the top and two on the bottom. i was a really weird case but i had 3 on the top and 4 on the bottom, so 7 in total i got mine out last week, all of them, and it has been a total nightmare. Normally there are four. But there are exeptions, some people have wisdom teeth missing. Other people have surnumerary teeth, meaning extra wisdom teeth.

How many top teeth should an adult have?

16 on top, 16 on bottom. If the wisdom teeth have been removed, 14 on top, and 14 on bottom.

Can you get an infection months after your wisdom tooth has been pulled?

yeah!!! i got an infection...and let me tell you it hurts like hell..