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no the elephant is blue

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Q: You had your four wisdom teeth out on Friday and today is Tuesday you have slight jaw pain but not terrible and you have been brushing but still have bad breath should you worry about dry socket?
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Related questions

Can not brushing after eating cause bad breath?

Yes, Defenitely. Not Brushing after eating causes bacteria to build up and directly causes bad breath and rotten teeth.

What causes sickly smelling breath?

The food you eat and not brushing your teeth

What does the line below suggest about the breath of the narrator's mistress?

Her breath smells terrible.

Is it healthy to kiss without first brushing your teeth in the morning?

no it is disgusting and your breath stinks!

How do you get people to stop thinking you have bad breath?

Make sure your breath is good (i.e. brushing, flossing, tongue-scraping, and a breath mint) and make a point of the fact until they no longer associate you with bad breath.

How was brushing your teeth invented?

it was invented because it makes your teeth white and gives you good breath

Why does your breath smell worse after brushing?

If you already have an issue with bad breath, then after brushing it becomes more noticeable because brushing your teeth make your mouth dryer, and a dry mouth has worse breath.I usually either just chew some gum or drink something till it wears off. However, those are only temporary solutions; I'm pretty sure the only way to "fix" the bad breath after brushing, is to either find a special tooth paste, (I've heard they exist, but I haven't seen them personally,) or to just keep up with the brushing. Mouth wash might also help.

Why brushing your is important?

teeth brushing is important because if you don't brush them your teeth will be unhealthy and your breath will stink its the same thing like eating if you don't eat your body will be unhealthy

How do you get the smell out of your mouth after throwing up when brushing you teeth doesnt help?

mouth wash or breath mints

What if bad breath won't go away?

If you have bed breath and things like brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, chewing gum, or using breath mints don't work, you should visit a dentist so that the dentist can figure out what is causing your bad breath.

Why does breath smell?

Breath smells because of the sent of your food will stay in your mouth the only way to get it out is brushing your teeth because it removes and replace the sent with the sent of tooth past you use.

What are some good ways to get rid of garlic and smoke breath instead of hiding it with mints?

Mouthwash and brushing your teeth and tounge.