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Q: Budgeting is an instrument of planning as well as a tool of coordination and control?
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What are the key factors for a successful control or planning?

Effective leadership, coordination $ through knowledge about the working field/area

Identifying the key advantages and disadvantages of a performance budgeting system a program budgeting system and a line-item budgeting system.?

system features focus on advantages disadvantages (LIBS) -centered on objectives/nature of expenditure or purchased item/service (1920~30s) -control financial affairs -responsibility for accounting -clear responsibility on accounting -easier control on financing -rigidity -unclear performance/objective of expenditure performance budgeting system (PBS) -classifying business based on functions of business activities -detail business budget=item price*work hour -Truman(1950) -business centered -management centered -clear business goal -flexibility -unclear responsibility on accounting plan programming budgeting system(PPBS) -planning+budgeting -rational allocation of resources -Johnson(1965) planning centered "planningprogrammingbudgeting" -planning+budget -rational allocation of resources -remove barriers between organizations centralization of budget composition -difficulties on conversion work -top-down budget composition

Budgeting is the one of the main tool to control the cost?

4. "Budgeting is the one of the main tool to control the cost" - Give your view.

What are the basic managerial concerns in business?

There are seven basic managerial concerns/skills in business. They are planning, organizing, commanding, coordination, control, effectiveness, and foresight. All of these must be balanced and effective in order to successfully run a business.

How does planning facilitate controlling?

planning provides the basis for control

Related questions

What are the key factors for a successful control or planning?

Effective leadership, coordination $ through knowledge about the working field/area

What is the advantage of budgeting in abusiness organization?

The budgeting process and the end product, the budget, comprise two essential elements of multinational management: planning and control. Planning is the primary function of the budgeting process and the result, the budget, provides the basis for subsequent monitoring and control of activities. For a multinational firm, with geographically dispersed subsidiaries to coordinate and control, an ineffective planning and control system can be disastrous. For the typical multinational firm, the budgeting process is the primary period of planning at both corporate and subsidiary levels. During the planning phase, the subsidiaries establish short-term goals and objectives, devise appropriate operating strategies, and prepare a budget document for subsequent monitoring, control, and evaluation of operations. Although the budgeting process is an important element of success, very little is known about the methods which multinational firms employ to ensure that the subsidiaries present a realistic and reasonable projection of future events. Although there is extensive information about budgeting in the management accounting literature, there is very little information about the specific techniques employed by the managers of multinational firms to develop and formulate budgets. Budgeting is essential to successful management. It involves five aspects: Planning occurs when the company determines the priorities and objectives. Within this stage of budgeting a company needs to decide the direction to use the company's resources that will produce optimal success for the future. Planning is also when a company can evaluate and identify any issues from prior budgets and moreover establish future plans for development within the company to grow. I believe the planning stage is extremely effective within a budget. This stage is the most critical stage for a company. If a companies do not plan accordingly than unforeseen changes can wipe a company out

Identifying the key advantages and disadvantages of a performance budgeting system a program budgeting system and a line-item budgeting system.?

system features focus on advantages disadvantages (LIBS) -centered on objectives/nature of expenditure or purchased item/service (1920~30s) -control financial affairs -responsibility for accounting -clear responsibility on accounting -easier control on financing -rigidity -unclear performance/objective of expenditure performance budgeting system (PBS) -classifying business based on functions of business activities -detail business budget=item price*work hour -Truman(1950) -business centered -management centered -clear business goal -flexibility -unclear responsibility on accounting plan programming budgeting system(PPBS) -planning+budgeting -rational allocation of resources -Johnson(1965) planning centered "planningprogrammingbudgeting" -planning+budget -rational allocation of resources -remove barriers between organizations centralization of budget composition -difficulties on conversion work -top-down budget composition

Difference between coordination and control mixed?

differentiate coordination and control

How zero-based budgeting may assist in budgeting plainning and control?

Zero budgeting assumes that unlike the traditional budgeting system, there are no "givens". By implication, the idea of using what happened last year as the starting figure for allocation does not arise. Every activity must justify afresh (as if it never existed) and merit any resource allocation to it. This provides an incentive to managers to be focussed in their planning, and goal oriented in their budgeting. Also, that managers are forced to plan, performance evaluation and control become easier . Submitted by DURODOLA VICTOR O Nigeria

Budgeting is the one of the main tool to control the cost?

4. "Budgeting is the one of the main tool to control the cost" - Give your view.

What has the author Brent D Bradley written?

Brent D. Bradley has written: 'Some views on program budgeting' -- subject(s): Program budgeting 'Building a new force structure cost analysis model' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Cost control, Military planning

What is the phYSical coordination in the brain?

Physical coordination in the brain involves various regions working together to control movement. Key areas include the cerebellum for balance and coordination, the motor cortex for planning and executing movements, and the basal ganglia for regulating muscle contractions. Signals from these areas travel along neural pathways to ensure smooth and precise coordination of motions.

Coordination and control of an organism is?


When KSPCB established?

The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) was established in 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974. It is a statutory organization engaged in the prevention and control of water and air pollution in the state of Karnataka. The Board is responsible for planning promotion and coordinating the activities related to pollution control in the state. The Board is also responsible for planning promotion and coordination of activities related to pollution monitoring and abatement. Established in 1974 Responsible for prevention and control of water and air pollution in the state of Karnataka Responsible for planning promotion and coordination of activities related to pollution control and monitoringKSPCB is committed to the protection and improvement of the environment by providing technical advice and guidance to industries and other stakeholders for prevention and control of pollution.

What are the main organs responsible for coordination and control?

The nervous system including the central nervous system and the peripheral system are responsible for coordination and control.

Write a program in FORTRAN C language to compute control ratios used in budgeting with reference to any organization?

if u give control ratios used in budgeting i can write program in C/C++