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Yes! I am a 35 yo woman. I was bulimic in my early to late teens. I was able to stop. It takes MORE will power and self control to NOT purge than it does to actually do it. You should seek out support from friends and family or join a support group for eating disorders. With a lot of help and support, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, wanting to get healthy for yourself, you can overcome this disease.

Good Luck!

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14y ago

first of all dont reject my response but you shouldn't want to throw up. i have made myself throwup a few times and it makes me feel wierd and sick. you put your finger all the way back and keep trying to touch your uvilia.

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Q: Bulimic Why can't I throw up?
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You throw up after eating?

you are bulimic. you need help.

What is a person who makes their self throw up?


Do bulimic people drink water before they throw up?

Often they do, yes.

If you are a bulimic do you throw up milk and candy to lose weight?

no but your body turns to chocolate

Will you lose weight if you throw up one hour after every meal?

if you want to be bulimic

What happens when you throw up daily?

When you throw up daily you get skinnier and bonier because your body is losing all its nutrition and you are probably becoming bulimic.

What are the symptoms of bulimia?

being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight

Do bulemics throw up every meal?

It actually depends. I was a bulimic, and I wouldn't eat breakfast or lunch, then I'd eat dinner then throw it up. Or if I'd eat breakfast or lunch, and it was big, I'd throw it up.

My gf is anorexic i try to get her to eat and she does but after I get calls from her sister saying she is forcing herself to throw up the next day my gf won't eat is she anorexic and bulimic?

It is possible that she is both anorexic and bulimic.

Are you considered bulimic if you eat around 500 cals a day exercise and only throw up sometimes?

Yes. Yes it does.

When you're bulimic are you just supposed to throw up lots and lots of saliva?

ive just started being bulimic, and every time I try to throw up I just throw up lots and lots of saliva! What am I doing wrong? when you purge you will throw up lots of salive before the food will come. after you've gotten food out and you start throwing up saliva you need to take a 5 min break and begin again. when you get a lot of stomach acid then you're done. drink fluids to keep the shakes away

What does it mean when you throw up big bubbles of Phelgm I am bulimic if that helps and yes I am trying to stop?

Throwing up large bubbles of phlegm likely means that there is some type of drainage going on in your body. It is a healthy choice to be trying to stop being bulimic.