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to raise crop prices

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Q: By decreasing farm surpluses New Deal policies helped to do what?
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How did the new deal policies affected Native Americans?

helped to restore some reservation lands to tribal ownership.

To help eliminate the crop and product surpluses the government?

The government paid farmers to destroy surplus as a way to help eliminate crop and product surpluses. This occurred during the New Deal.

To help eliminate the crop and product surpluses the government .?

The government paid farmers to destroy surplus as a way to help eliminate crop and product surpluses. This occurred during the New Deal.

What is constituent policies?

Constituent policies are policies that deal mainly with laws and create executive entities. They also sometimes deal with fiscal policies under some circumstances.

What were the major arguments against the New Deal?

The major arguments against the New Deal were that the policies would drive the Nation deeper into debt. It also helped create a people dependent on government.

Fiscal policies deal with?

Fiscal policies deal with finances usually budgets.

Who benefited least from the new deal policies?

Minorities and women were the least benefited from the New Deal policies.

Shah jahan's policies help or harmed the mughal empire?

Every Mughal ruler's policies helped or harmed the civilians in one way or an other. to tell the truth, each mughal ruler's policies disturbed or developed the country as their were both hindus and muslims to deal with.

Was a result of President Kennedy and economic policies?

President Kennedy signed a bill which raised the minimum wage. This was a big deal at the time because it helped the middle class.

What was a result of president Kennedy economic policies?

President Kennedy signed a bill which raised the minimum wage. This was a big deal at the time because it helped the middle class.

What insurance companies deal with boat policies?

Two of the companies that deal with boat policies are Allstate and Progressive. State Farm also carries boat insurance.

What was Roosevelt's domestic policies?

It was called the Square Deal.