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In modern times, Australia is not officially known by any other name. Its official name is Commonwealth of Australia, and it is popularly called "Down Under" by those who live in the northern hemisphere. Some simply call Australia "Oz". In the past, the eastern half of the continent was known as New South Wales, a name now restricted to just one state, whilst the western half was called New Holland. Prior to this, the continent, being unknown and unexplored, was called Terra Australis Incognita - the unknown southern land.

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What is Australia also called?

Australia is not known by any other name, although its full official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.Contrary to what some websites report, Australia's other name is not Oceania.

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By the 1850s, Australia was known as Australia. This name was adopted in 1824.

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As of 2014, Mt Kosciuszko, Australia's highest mainland mountain, is not known by any other name.

Is there another name for Australia?

Australia has no other official name. Its full name is the Commonwealth of Australia.

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Australia does not have any other name. Its official name is Commonwealth of Australia.

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Australia is its proper name and it is not an island, but a continent.

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Australia is only known as Australia. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.

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In Australia, a wild horse is known as a brumby.

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The correct name of the indigenous people of Australia is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.They are commonly known as Aborigines, but this is not the name by which they prefer to be known.

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The "National Australia Bank" was previously known as the "National Bank of Australia".

Name two countries in Australia?

The only country in Australia is Australia. There are no other countries in Australia.

Was Australia called Australia in 1901?

Yes. Australia had been known by this name since 1824. Matthew Flinders was the one who suggested the name "Terra Australis" and this became Australia, the name officially adopted in 1824.