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Yes they do not

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Q: Bytes take the form of electrical pulses?
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What is hearing?

Your eardrums take fluctuations of the air pressure on your ears and converts them to electrical pulses, which are sent to the brain. The brain then interprets the electrical signals as different sounds.

What is function of computer microphone?

the function of a microphone is to take your sound waves and translates it to appropriate machine readable for and the transmits it as an electrical pulses to the central processing unit for processing

What causes electrical impulses in the human body?

I get these strange electric pulses through my body. I wish I knew the cause. Its scary. I wonder if it is related to the Paxil or klonopin that I currently take??!

What is the main function of a micro phone?

the function of a microphone is to take your sound waves and translates it to appropriate machine readable for and the transmits it as an electrical pulses to the central processing unit for processing

How many bytes it take to make a KB?

1,000 bytes make a kilobyte

How many bytes does it take to stream a movie?

Depending on the movie length, a 1 hour movie will take up to 100,000 bytes to be produced and a 2 hour movie will take around 300,000 bytes.

How much does roblox take up?

Roblox takes up: 1.5 Giga Bytes, which is the same as 1000 mega bytes

How many bytes does date DD-MM-YYYY datatype occupy in java?

A java.util.Date object will take about 32 bytes in memory.

How many bytes take to the integer in c language?


What form of energy takes place in an LED?

A form of energy can't 'take place'. An energy changetakes place, in this case from electrical energy to light.

How many address lines will take to address the 16kilo bytes?

16KB, or 16384 bytes, can be addressed with 14 address lines. (214 = 16384)

What do bytes take the form of?

A byte (in computer terminology) is equal to 8 bits. A bit is a single binary number (0 or 1). Therefore a byte takes the form of 8 of the smallest pieces of data stored by a computer.