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Yes I think it can.

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Is a mature red blood cell still considered a cell?

Yes. Even though it looses its nucleus and cannot reproduce or repair itself, it is still considered a cell.

Why can't red blood cells produce repair enzymes?

Red blood cells lose their nucleus when they mature, along with all their DNA. As such they cannot make any new proteins or enzymes once they mature, and would not have any DNA repair enzymes.

Can caradiac tissue repair itself?

No once it dies like in a heart attack it cannot repair itself. This is why people die when they have a heart attack, so much of they're heart has dies that it can no longer pump blood.

What does nutrient mean?

you need nutrition in your blood like iron and mierals

Does mature red blood cells have chromosomes?

No. Mature red blood cells have neither a nucleus nor chromosomes.

Do mature erythrocytes contain hemoglobin in their cytoplasm?

Yes, mature erythrocytes are still cells and are still living. In most mammals the circulating red blood cells do not have nuclei, so they are unable to repair themselves when damaged and eventually die due to the accumulated damage.

Can a mature red blood cell divide?

No, it cannot divide since mature red blood cells have no nucleus. there are no chromosomes to replicate.

Why is halo 1 rated mature?

Because there is shooting and blood and some mature language

Is your blood type readily available at a hospital?

No, my blood type is very rare, and is not in very high demand. Due to this, it is not readily available at a hospital. Also, not many people are able to receive my blood type.

Does a nucleus lack mature red blood cells?

It is actually the other way around - mature red blood cells lack a nucleus.

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