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What is the climax of James Joyce's Araby?

When, after listening to the young women and the other boys flirting at the bazaar, the narrator realizes that women, especially his idealized Enamorata, are more chased than chaste.

How does The Metamorphosis deviate from the standard structure of Freytag's pyramid?

More than one scene could be considered the story's climax. -apex

Why do parents love the older girl more than younger ones?

because they think that young ones are naughty but sometimes they love young ones so it is hard to say........

What is the climax in the book wild girl by patricia reilly giff?

When the American Guy comes and takes Lakshmi a photo and tells her he is going to rescue her.

What is more than one young sheep?

One young sheep is a lamb, more than one young sheep are lambs

Are older guys better than younger guys?

Older guys are not better than young guys in teen dating, this is because young guys are young and can satisfy a teen girl more better than older men both in bed, love, money etc. But most would depend on the girls.

What did Cinderella look like?

Cinderella was a very plain girl in the beginning, portrayed as no more than a servant girl being forced to work hard, but when clean she is a beautiful, mystic young lady.

How old would a young girl be?

Younger than an older one.

Who breaks ups a relationship more a boy or a girl?

Boys to men are more apt to break up with a girl because some are not willing to commit to a relationship or, if young they do not want to be tied down so they cannot date other young women. However, young girls to women are now beginning to see the light and in the new generation are more apt to break up with a boyfriend than generations before.

Should a 12 year old girl and boy do anything more than kiss?

No, that's still a little too young to be doing anything further.

Why young males pay more for insurance than females?

Statistically young males are more likely to get into accidents and be hurt. History has proven that young men are more aggresive and more reckless than young women. This may be changing but it has not happened so far.