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Was a police report filed against me?

The only way to find out for sure if a police report was filed against you is to contact your local police department. Some states do not make this information public.

What is the motto of California State University Police Department?

San Francisco Police Department's motto is 'Oro en paz, fierro en guerra'.

What is internal Affairs for police department?

To make sure law enforcement officers are accountable for their actions in situations where someone had been severely injured or killed. Internal affairs is basically the people who police the police. They make sure everything is as it should be.

Is the twin rivers police a real police department?

Your question in and of itself is ignorant. What is a real police department and what is a fake police department? It implies that fake police departments exist and are allowed to exist. That is ridiculous. To question whether a police department is real is just ludicrous and doesn't make any sense at all. Upon what are you basing your question? People have some really weird and rather stupid misperceptions about law enforcement. Yes, the Twin Rivers Police Department is a real police department. They have the same peace officer authority granted by the State and can do the same things as any other local police or sheriffs department and highway patrol.

How does the police department protect the eldery?

The police protect EVERYBODY equally, but through Community Relations reaches out to the older community mainly by trying to make them aware of particular scams and offenses which are likely to be commmitted against them due to their age and reduced functioning.

How do you make a complaint about infanticide case?

Report the matter to the police.

Can fontana police department make there own leash law?

Fontana WHERE? (in the US) the police ENFORCE such rules and regulations, but they do NOT make them up. That is the job of the municipal or state government.

How do you make crack whitout cocaine?

Your local police department will have the best information. You should check with them.

Can a minor make a noise complaint?

Yes, a minor can make a noise complaint. The local police department is where you file a complaint.

How do you become a police officer in Georgia?

You get hired by a department who sends you to their police academy of choice or you attend one on your own, pass the state certification test and find a department that wants to hire you.

Is it against the law to make a plan to get someone arrested?

Of course it is if the police find out!

What must police have in a criminal case in order to make an arrest?

Probable cause