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void main(){

int arr[100],i,element,no;


printf("\nEnter the no of Elements: ");

scanf("%d", &no);


printf("\n Enter Element %d: ", i+1);



printf("\nEnter the element to be searched: ");

scanf("%d", &element);


if(arr[i] == element){

printf("\nElement found at position %d",i+1);





printf("\nElement not found");




Enter the no of Elements: 5

Enter Element 1: 12

Enter Element 2: 23

Enter Element 3: 52

Enter Element 4: 23

Enter Element 5: 10

Enter the element to be searched: 23

Element found at position 2



int c, first, last, middle, n, search, array[100];

printf("Enter number of elements\n");


printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ )


printf("Enter value to find\n");


first = 0;

last = n - 1;

middle = (first+last)/2;

while( first <= last )


if ( array[middle] < search )

first = middle + 1;

else if ( array[middle] == search )


printf("%d found at location %d.\n", search, middle+1);




last = middle - 1;

middle = (first + last)/2;


if ( first > last )

printf("Not found! %d is not present in the list.\n", search);

return 0;


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Q: C program to compute linear and binary search?
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Best first search program in c?

The best search programs to attempt writing in C are the following: Linear search (simplest), Binary search (faster) Hash search (fastest).

What are the Advantages of binary search on linear search in c?

(i) Binary search can interact poorly with the memory hierarchy (i.e. caching), because of its random-access nature. For in-memory searching, if the interval to be searching is small, a linear search may have superior performance simply because it exhibits better locality of reference. (ii) Binary search algorithm employs recursive approach and this approach requires more stack space. (iii) Programming binary search algorithm is very difficult and error prone (Kruse, 1999).

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In the worst case a binary search tree is linear and has a height equal to the number of nodes. so h=O(h).

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There are two types of searching technique used in data structure.such as linear and binary search.

Write a short note on linear search?

Linear search, also known as sequential search, is a process that checks every element in the list sequentially until the desired element is found. The computational complexity for linear search is O(n), making it generally much less efficient than binary search (O(log n)). But when list items can be arranged in order from greatest to least and the probabilities appear as geometric distribution (f (x)=(1-p) x-1p, x=1,2),then linear search can have the potential to be notably faster than binary search.

Which type of search algorithm checks every element on the list in sequence until a matching data is found?

It's called "Linear Search". If the list is sorted, then it is possible to perform more advanced searches like binary search. If the list isn't sorted, then you can either sort the list first and then binary search or simply use a linear search. Linear search is typically a brute force solution when the data isn't "planned" or if the data is stored in a linked list where random access of the values in the list is slow.

Advantages of binary search over sequencial search?

Linear search takes linear time with a worst case of O(n) for n items, and an average of O(n/2). Binary search takes logarithmic time, with a worst and average case of O(n log n). Binary search is therefore faster on average.

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pro c language to implement linear search using pointers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of searching in C programming?

If the data is sorted and every element is directly accessible, then you can perform binary search (see built-in function bsearch), otherwise you have to do linear search (which is slower).

Are binary search and linear search already defined method in some class in java and what class is this?

You can check out the Arrays.binarySearch group of methods for searching sorted arrays. There is no predefined linear search for arrays, probably because it is trivially easy to implement. If you have some other data structure to search, the Collections.binarySearch methods should work for you. Most collections can also be converted to a List representation, which has a predefined indexOf method for linear searching.