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int num, n,sum=0,i=0;

printf("enter the number of elements to be added ");


printf("enter %d numbers",n);







printf("the sum of %d numbers is %d",n,sum);



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13y ago
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9y ago

#include <stdio.h>

char input[1000];

float temp; /* temporary storage for numbers entered */

int num_count; /* number to divide total by */

float total; /* Total of numbers entered */

float average; /* 'total' divided by 'num_count' */

int main() {

/* Tell user what program does */

printf("I will find the average of however many numbers you enter.\n");

printf("Enter number now (00 to quit): ");

/* Accept first input from user */

fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

temp = atof(input);

/* Initalize Variables */

num_count = 0;

total = 0.0;

average = 0.0;

while ( temp != 00.0 ) {

++num_count; /* increases with each number entered */

total += temp; /* adds all numbers entered to total */

printf("Enter next number now (00 to quit): ");

fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

temp = atof(input);


average = ( total / num_count );

printf("You entered %d numbers. The average of those numbers is %f.\n", num_count, average);

return 0;


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14y ago

int i;
void main()
int sum(int b[],int n);
int sum_num,n,a[20];
printf("\nEnter the Items of an Array:");
printf("Enter numbers into Array:");
printf("The Sum of Array Numbers is = %d",sum_num);
int sum(int b[],int n)
int s=0;
return s;


Enter the Items of an Array:5
Enter numbers into Array:
The Sum of Array Numbers is = 194

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13y ago

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::endl;

using std::vector;

int main()


int counter = 1;

cout << "Enter " << counter

<< " number (when you finish press any letter)";

vector<double> arrayOfData;

double tempVar = 0.0;

while (cin >> tempVar)




cout << "Enter " << conter << " number";


double sumOfElements = 0.0;

for (size_t i = 0; i < arrayOfData.size(); i++)


sumOfNumbers +=;


cout << "\nAverage is: " << (sumOfNumbers/arrayOfData.size());


return 0;


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13y ago





int marks[100];

int i,n,sum,average;

printf("enter the number of students");


printf("enter %d student's marks",n);








printf("the sum of the marks of %d studens is %d\n",n,sum);

printf("the average of %d students is %d\n",n,average);



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Q: Program in c to get the sum of n numbers present in an array using one dimensional array?
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