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cable used for networking are coaxial cable,twisted pair cable,fibre optic cable twisted pair is divided in networkinn shielede and un shielded utp cable is most commenly used in networking, but optic fibre travel speed of light so it is very fast compaired to other cable so most commpany use optic fibre cable in order to aviod data loss

cable used for networking are coaxial cable,twisted pair cable,fibre optic cable twisted pair is divided in networkinn shielede and un shielded utp cable is most commenly used in networking, but optic fibre travel speed of light so it is very fast compaired to other cable so most commpany use optic fibre cable in order to aviod data loss

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Cat6 with RJ-45 plugs and a Gigabit network adapter.

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Q: Cable is used to connect different devices?
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Difference between Straight cable and Cross Cable?

what is different between cross cabling and straight cabling ANSWER: a crossover cable is used to connect like devices, like a router to a router, but a straight through cable is used to connect dissimilar devices, like a router to a computer.

What cable use to connect from one router to another router?

There are a few different types of cables that can be used to connect routers, but the most common is the Ethernet cable. This is a cable that has RJ-45 connectors on each end, and it can be used to connect devices that are within 100 meters of each other.

Differentiante between cross cabling and straight cabling?

Straight Cable is used to connect a device to a different type of devices Eg: PC to a Switch PC to a Hub Switch to a Router E.t.c. Cross Cable is used to connect a device to a similar type of devices Eg: PC to PC Switch to Switch E.t.c.

What is speaker cable used for?

Speaker cable is used to connect the speaker outputs on audio devices such as a receiver or amplifier to the inputs on the speaker(s).

What accessories do you use to connect an iPod to the TV?

There are several cables that can be used to connect an iPod to a TV. An AV cable is the type of cable that is typically used to connect the two devices. However, the iPod shuffle may not have this capability.

What is DB-25m cable?

This is a 25 pin cable, usually used to connect a printer to your computer (parallel port). Most printers connect using the USB cable anymore, as other external devices.

What is the diffirence between Cross cable and state cable?

The difference between a cross cable and a state cable is that a cross cable, or crossover cable, is used specifically to connect two of the same devices.

What is the use of a straight through and cross over patch cord?

Cross over cables are used to connect devices in the same group. For Ex.. Routers,PC,Printer belongs to same group. To connect a Printer and PC, We use cross over cable. Straight through cables are used to connect devices in the different group. For Ex... Switches, Hub, Bridge are in same group. To connect a PC and a Switch, We use straigh through cable since PC and switch belongs to different group.

What is the purpose of an HDTV cable?

An HDMI cable is used to connect two high definition devices together. They offer a better sound and picture quality than one would have without the cable. They are usually used to connect and HDTV to a home theater system.

Which device you connect with the help of straight cable?

Straight through cables can be used to connect devices together via switches, hubs, routers, bridges.

When would you use a crosslink cable?

Crossover cables are used when you are connecting two devices of the same type together. e.g. connecting two routers or two switches or two computers. A straight through cable is used to connect devices of different types. e.g. a computer to a switch or router. Using the correct cable is less important these days though as most networking devices have the capability to auto-sense what cable is being used and what cable is needed. The devices can simply change their configurations to whatever is needed to make the connections work. This technology is called Auto-MDIX (Media Dependant Interface Crossover).

What is a cross over cable used for?

crossover cables must be used between 2 devices from the same level like (pc & pc - Pc & router - router & router) but strait through cable used between 2 different levels like (pc & switch - router & switch )