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Q: Calcitonin causes an increase in blood calcium levels true or false?
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Does parathormone increase or decrease calcium levels in the blood?

It increases the concentration of calcium in the blood. Calcitonin decreases blood calcium levels.

What hormone decreases blood calcium hormones?

Calcitonin decreases calcium levels in the blood. A good way to remember it is "Calcitonin tones down the calcium."Calcitonin (just remember calciTONin, tones down blood calcium)

What Hormone responds to high levels of calcium in the blood?

Its Calcitonin , which responds to increase in serum calcium level...But on the other hand Parathhormone increases the serum calcium level....Dr Sindura C.S

Calcitonin targets the bones and causes the release of calcium from storage when serum levels are low?


What hormone causes a decrease in blood calcium levels?

The hormone is called as calcitonin. This hormone is secreted by the parathyroid glands.

What hormone pairs are antagonists that regulate blood calcium ion levels?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin regulate blood calcium levels. PTH increases the calcium concentration in the blood, and calcitonin decreases it.

Does calcitonin regulate mineral levels?

Yes, calcitonin helps regulate calcium levels in the blood by inhibiting the breakdown of bone and promoting calcium excretion by the kidneys.

What hormones deal with the calcium levels in the blood?

Calcitonin, parathyroid hormone and vitamin D.

Name a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland that acts to lower blood calcium?

Calcitonin is the hormone that lowers calcium levels.

Low levels of calcium in the blood directly stimulate?


What chemical causes a decrease in the blood calcium level?

The parathyroid glands (4 of them) secrete parathyroid hormone to increase blood calcium. When the parathyroid glands detect low blood calcium levels, they secrete more parathyroid hormone, which causes the bones to release calcium to the bloodstream, thereby increasing blood calcium levels.

Does calcitonin cause a decrease in blood calcium ion levels?

The hormone Calcitonin has the effect of reducing blood calcium levels. The hormone comes from the thyroid gland and works in basically three ways. 1. It works to slow absorption of calcium by the intestine. 2. It also inhibits the osteoclast (cells in bone that break down old bone tissue) that raise blood calcium levels. 3. It causes osteoblast (cells in bone that lay down new bone matrix) to form new bone. This explanation is at it's simplest form of course.