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Q: Calcium absorption increases when the body's calcium status is low?
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A person's absorption of calcium varies based on?

vitamin D status

When does evee acctually LIKE you?

If you don't use protein, iron, carbos, zinc and calcium and don't ever let it faint or get status problems or eat energypowder or energyroot, basically on normal occasions it will like you at level 40! But you can speed this up by using protein, iron, carbos, zinc and calcium and give it more than one of these. Avoid status problems and don't let it faint and never give it energypowder or anything that says its bitter and it will evolve around level 27!

Can you commit suicide by eating a bottle of tums?

Over-consumption of calcium carbonate can result in the serious and sometimes fatal condition known as hypercalcemia. This condition can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and an alteration of mental status. The effects of excessive calcium are cumulative, and while possible to commit suicide with this substance, it would be increasingly painful and would take a very long time, possibly decades of chronic abuse.

What is pokeus?

Pokerus is a virus that your Pokemon can get. It increases status and can spred to other Pokemon.

What is a feature of iron absorption?

Your body automatically increases iron absorption when you have an increased physiological need for iron, for example, in children during rapid growth periods and during pregnancy and lactation. Iron absorption is decreased in people with low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria), a condition that is common in the elderly and those who use antacids frequently. In addition, iron absorption can be decreased by caffeine and by tannins found in coffee and tea. People with healthy iron status need not worry about the impact of tea tannins on their iron absorption. People who are iron deficient, however, should wait at least one hour after a meal before drinking green or black tea. Phosphates found in carbonated soft drinks can also decrease iron absorption. The best way to increase your absorption of iron is to ensure that you consume sufficient vitamin C. A meal that contains about 25 milligrams of vitamin C may as much as double your absorption of iron from that meal. Your body uses copper to help transport iron around your body, and iron-deficiency anemia may sometimes reflect the more basic underlying problem of copper deficiency. Vitamin A may also help improve iron status, and perhaps because of their relationship to stomach acidity levels, so might amino acids and organic acids (like citric acid or malic acid). You may have trouble absorbing iron in the presence of too much calcium (300 milligrams or more). People with high iron requirements might want to avoid taking calcium supplements with meals. Other nutrients that can lower absorption of plant iron include polyphenols (like tannins) and soy proteins. Phytates, found in whole grains, legumes and other seeds, may also decrease iron absorption by forming compounds with the mineral that cannot be absorbed through your digestive tract. Soaking seeds overnight can reduce the phytates in food and increase the absorption of iron. Oxalates, found in spinach and chocolate, may also decrease iron absorption. However, you are still able to absorb helpful amounts of iron from plant foods that contain any or several of these nutrients, and foods like spinach, whole wheat, whole grain rice, soybeans, and other legumes are still very much worth eating, even when iron absorption from these foods is less than 100%. Much of the iron in whole grains is found in the bran and germ. As a result, the milling of grain, which removes the bran and germ, eliminates about 75% of the naturally occurring iron in whole grains. Refined grains are often fortified with iron, but the added iron is less absorbable than the iron that naturally occurs in the grain. Cooking with iron cookware will also add iron to food.

How does the gallbladder affect the teeth?

The gallbladder is very important in acid-base homeostatsis which has some bearing on calcium metabolsm and could possibly effect the teeth. This relationship is the basis of at least one research paper: "Effects of acid-base status and fluoride on the composition of the mineral in developing enamel and dentine in the dog"

What is the basis for segmenting the vitamin market?

By sex: vitamins for men and for women. Women need more iron and calcium than men. By age: older people have different needs than children. You might need several different products: for babies, growing children, teens, adults, and senior citizens

Why does vitamin A status depend on a persons protein status?

Transport of the vitamin within the body requires sufficient protein to manufacture retinol-binding protein.

What is in vitamin d?

Vitamin D, PTH and another hormone called calcitonin all work together continuously to regulate blood calcium levels which in turn maintains bone health. They do this by regulating the absorption of calcium and phosperous from the small intestine causing more to be absorbed when our needs for them are higher and less when our needs are lower. They also decrease or increase blood calcium levels by signaling the kidneys to excrete more or less calcium in our urine. Vitamin D works with PTH to stimulate osteoclasts to break down bone when calcium is needed elsewhere in the body. It is necessary for the normal calcification of the bone; it assists in the processes by which minerals such as calcium and phosphorous are crystalized. It may also play some role in decreasing the formation of some cancerous tumors as it can prevent certain types of cells from growing out of control. Similar to Vitamin A, vitamin D, appears to play a role in cell differentiation in various tissues. If your exposure to vitamin D in the sun is adequate, you don't need to consume it. As w/ calcium, there's no RDA for vitamin D. Our ability to synthesize vitamin D is dependent on exposure to sunlight, latitude and time of the year. Those living in sunny climates close to the equator such as the southern US and Mexico may synthesize enough Vitamin D from the sun to meet their needs throughout the year. Vitamin D synthesis from sun isn't possible during most of the winter months for people living in places located at a latitude of more than 40N or more than 40S. The 40N latitude runs like a belt across the US from N PA in the east to N CA in the west. Other factors influencing synthesis is the time of day, age, level of exposure, and obesity status. Those w/ darker skin have a darker time synthesizing vitamin D from the sun. Glass and plastics (windows) block the sun's rays. Older ppl don't synthesize vitamin D as well. Early morning, late evening and afternoon hours inhibit synthesis. Generally between 9am-3pm are the best. Most vitamin D is produced during summer months particularly in June and July.

What regulate vital processes?

Primarily, the CSN in the brain, the cerebellum, and endocrine glands. The central nervous system distributes several specialized nerves, such as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves that regulate respiratory function, and heartbeat. Calcium, Potassium and sodium have to be regulated according to the current physiologic status. Pancreas release insulin and digestive enzymes. We could say that the entire organism participates of the vital process regulation.

How do you get full friendship in FireRed?

Keep using items like Protein, Iron, Carbos, Zinc, Calcium and Hp up on your Pokemon also have it hold Soothe Bell while your training it. Also don't use items that say its bitter and don't let it faint and don't let it have a status problem for too long, try to constantly heal it and use items on it and level it up to get full friendship.

Can the human body use salt or must it be combined with a carbon molecule by plants first?

We can use salt. What you're talking about that we cannot use is the sun light. The energy from the sun light is absorbed into a plant and forms a glucose, an energy source. also: sea salt is in an "organic" form that we can assimilate. Most mined salt is processed to an inorganic status and is more or less poison (most table salt). Sea salt has no iodine in it so you must consume foods with organic iodine in them. Only buy and use sun-dried sea salt (sometimes referred to as Celtic sea salt) with no preservatives or anti-caking chemicals or substances added. It is slightly moist and grey. Keep it sealed in a sturdy ziploc bag. Get a ceramic grinder and use it. Sprinkle little amounts on foods. Never use salt in cooking anything - always season to taste after cooking. If you are or know a "salt-a-holic", switch to organic sea salt and use as little as possible and drink lots of water. All minerals (like iron) must be in an organic form for our bodies to utilize them. Rust (iron oxide) in water is useless to our bodies. Iron in spinach and beef is digestible and is utilized by our bodies. Idiots eat antacid tablets thinking the calcium carbonate gives them calcium "something my body needs anyways". WRONG! The calcium carbonate hits the stomach acid and creates a calcium salt (not absorbable by our bodies) and water. The antacids neutralize some acid and that's all they do. You want calcium, eat foods high in organic calcium compounds that we can utilize. Check the labels on foods. Eat all foods as raw as you can keeping in mind many raw foods are crawling with tons of nasties so some have to be cooked enough to kill the nasties. If beef is handled and cooked properly or irradiated properly there would never be another e-coli iullness or death.