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I don't like when people just use WikiAnswers and Yahoo Answers to get their homework solved, but I'll just help you with this one question.

Formula for M: Molarity = moles of solute / liters of solution

Plug in the numbers you have. 0.70 is the amount of moles in the solute, and 1 is the amount of liters in the solution.

M = 0.70 mol / 1 L = 0.70 M

Hope this helps. Try doing your homework yourself next time, though. :) - Jessica

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Q: Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 0.70 moles of CH3COOH in 1 L of water 1. 0.35 M 2. 2.8 M 3. 0.70 M 4. 1.4 M?
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