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If i was in your posision then i would not put this 7 year old in the front of a car, however if there is no other way i think this would be allowed if he was using the correct booster seat for his age and height.

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Q: California law if a child is 7 years old and he weigh 50 pounds. Does he requires booster seat for safety by law?
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Mississippi law requires children at what age to be secured in a child safety seat?

Mississippi law requires that every person transporting a child under the age of 4 has to provide a belt positioning booster seat system.

What is Missouri booster seat law?

As of August 28, 2006 the law is as follows: new Missouri law,effective August 28,2006, says your child must be in a booster seat if they are ages 4 through 7 who weigh at least 40 pounds, unless they are 80 pounds or 4'9" tall. Missouri's Child Restraint Law (RSMo 307.182) • Children less than 4 years old or less than 40 pounds must be in an appropriate child safety seat. • Children ages 4 through 7 who weigh at least 40 pounds must be in an appropriate child safety seat or booster seat unless they are 80 pounds or 4'9" tall. • Children 8 and over or weighing at least 80 pounds or at least 4'9" tall are required to be secured by a safety belt or buckled into an appropriate booster seat. The fine for violating this law is $50 plus court costs. From:

What is the required weight for a child to sit in the front seat in New Jersey?

As of December 1, 2001, New Jersey's child passenger safety law requires: Children up to age 8 or 80 pounds must ride in a safety or booster seat in the rear seat of the vehicle. If there is no back seat, the child must sit in the front seat secured by a safety or booster seat. Children under age 8 who weigh more than 80 pounds must wear a seat belt anywhere in the vehicle. Passengers age 8 to 18 (regardless of weight) must wear a seat belt anywhere inside the vehicle.

What are the legal rules of a car seat?

In general, the law requires any child under 80 pounds and 4 foot be placed in a booster seat or a child safety car seat. There are devices for older children that make the seatbelt safer by placing the seatbelt in an appropriate position over the shoulder.

Which booster seat for a baby has the best safety rating?

The top safety rated Booster Seat for babies is the Graco Snugride 35 2013 model. It scored perfect scores on numerous child safety sites such as baby-car-seat-reviews.

New jersey law requires that a child must be seated in a child restraint device while riding in a car if?

This is directly from the New Jersey drivers handbook. Children up to age eight or a weight of 80 pounds must ride in a federally approved safety booster seat in the rear seat of the vehicle. If there is no rear seat, the child must sit in the front seat secured by a safety booster seat. If you need more information the drivers handbook is at:

What is the age for child to be on a booster seat?

40-80 pounds as one of the nation's most important child passenger safety priorities. However, the majority of America's 20 million children who should be riding in booster seats are not, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA)Chairman Charley Smith.

How old does a child have to be to be able to sit in a booster seat in the state of Virginia?

"Booster seats are necessary when a child outgrows his/her child safety seat, usually after 40 pounds or age 4. Children do not fit in adult shoulder/lap belts (without a booster seat) until they are 58 inches tall (with a sitting height of 29 inches) and weigh 80 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." Here's a helpful link...

Are car booster seats regulated?

Car booster seats have been regulated for quite some time. If you have a hand me down booster seat for your child it would be best to throw it out and purchase one that was manufactured by the current standards for safety.

What are the advantages of booster car seats?

A booster car seat is designed for a child's safety. Any child under 80 pounds and under 4'8" should be in a booster seat. These seats make sure that the child is secure while in the car and make sure the car seat belt does not strangle them. This is important because when a car suddenly stops and the seat belt automatically tightens you do not want the child to be crushed by its weight in places like the throat.

If the diaphragm in the booster is bad and the breaks are not working great will your vehicle pass emissions?

yes but it will not pass the safety check

Can you bring your own booster seat when renting a car?

Yes. Why would you trust someone else with your children's safety?