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They are basically the same, except in animal mitosis, the cell goes through cytokinesis, which means the cytoplasm splits in two. In plant cells the cell plate forms in between the newly separated nuclei, which turns into a cell wall of the cell.

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Q: Campare plant mitosis from animal mitosis?
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Is centrioles in animal cell the resason why plant cell are difer with mitosis in it?

Centrioles present only in animal cells.It makes a difference between plant and animal mitosis.

What results in animal and plant growth?

Mitosis .

Where does mitosis occur in a plan?

In a plant, mitosis occurs in the plant's cells, the process is the same as mitosis in an animal cell, but the rigid cell wall does not move.

What percentage of the time are the plant and animal cells not undergoing mitosis?

Plant cells are 33% Animal cells are 43.6%

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Astral rays does occur in animal cells not in plant cell

Mitosis in animal cells is different from mitosis in plant cells because?

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Do both animal and plant cells have mitosis?

yep!of course both will have mitosis..u can clearly view mitosis in root tip of plants

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