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Q: Can 10mg lexapro and 30mg Cymbalta work together for menapausal symptoms?
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Do you have to wean off lexapro to start taking Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is an SNRI, meaning it increases both serotonin and norepinephrine, while lexapro is an SSRI, meaning it increases only serotonin. These drugs that inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters MUST BE SWITCHED GRADUALLY. If switching from cymbalta to lexapro, the physician should induce a "step-down" therapy on the cymbalta while inducing a "step-up" therapy on lexapro. This ensures a level amount of drug in the blood, and minimizes the chance of recurrence and adverse effects.

How do you stop Wellbutrin XL and start Lexapro?

I recently switched from Cymbalta to Welbutrin. Cymbalta is similar to Lexapro. I started the transition by halving my Cymbalta dose while starting Welbutrin. This went on for a week, then I discontinued the Cymbalta and took only Welbutrin. Of course, the best answer to this question is to follow your doctor's orders.

Can Cymbalta be taken with lexapro without developing serotonin syndrome?

I wouldn't suggest it at all. Just from personal experience, I developed a moderate case of serotonin syndrome while weening myself off Lexapro to switch to Cymbalta. Had I taken my regular dosage of Lexapro (20mg) with the 20mg of Cymbalta, I probably would have ended up in the ER.

Taking 20 mg of lexapro for 2 years but having fatigue dr recommended switching from lexapro to 30 mg of Cymbalta for 2 weeks and then 60 mg has anyone switched and what was your experience?

I switched from 10mg lexapro to 30 mg cymbalta for 2 wk and then 60 mg. Have had good results. For one thing I quit gaining weight, as I did on lexapro. Cymbalta also helped my muscle aches and pains as an added plus.

What are the medicines people take for depression?

There are many, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Abilify, Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, Elavil, and many more. It really depends on the severity and symptoms. Consult a doctor and they can help prescribe.

Can you take Lexapro and 5-htp together?

You should not take Lexapro and 5-htp together. I have read this several places.

Why do ifeel electricution inside my head?

Feeling like an electric sensation inside your head could be a result of various factors, such as stress, anxiety, nerve compression, or even a possible underlying medical condition. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any serious issues and determine the appropriate course of action for your symptoms.

Are lexapro and seroquel and trazodone together safe for treating lewy body dementia symptoms?

Yes, absolutley! My father has lewy body dementia and parkinson's disease and it has helped him tremendously!

Will restarting Lexapro after 7-10 days without it stop the withdrawal symptoms and if so when?

I attempted to stop taking Lexapro a few months ago, after 6 days of the withdrawal symptoms I went right back on it. The symptoms stopped by the 2nd day and I felt like myself again. Lexapro works wonders with depression but wreaks havoc with it's discontinuation syndrom!

Can you take Lexapro and Ativan at the same time?

Yes. It is perfectly safe to take both Paxil (Paroxitine) and Ativan (Lorezapam) at the same time. i was prescribed both these meds for my anxiety and depression and have been taking them for 6 months.. they work great for GAD :)

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