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Q: Can 12 volt batteries with different amps be connected in series?
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What is the amp on a 2 12 volt batteries connected in series?

Series: Double the voltage of one of the batteries if they are the exact same size. Amps stay the same as one of the batteries. Parellel: Double the amps and voltage stays the same as one battery.

Can you use different amps on a 24V truck with 12V batteries in series?

y not?

Can you wire 12 volt agm but different amp hour batteries in series?

Yes, but know that when connected in series you will increase the voltage but the amps will stay the same as one battery. If you wire them in parallel you increase the amps but the voltage stays the same. Example: Connect two 12 volt batteries in series and you then have 24 volts with the same amperage as one battery. Connect two 12 volt batteries in parallel and you will have 12 volts but the amperage will double.

How many amps in four C batteries in series?

C batteries use 1.5 volts. The number of amps depends on what device it is hooked up to. An average for four C batteries would be about 16 amps.

What happen to the amp hours of battery when connected in series?

The voltage will increase but the amperage will stay the same. For instance: Connect 2 12 volt 100 amp batteries in series and you will have 24 volts at 100 amps.

How many amps do 8 6 volt dc batteries put out?

The amperage drawn from batteries is governed by the connected load. The voltage of the batteries can be one of two voltages. in parallel the 8 batteries will give you a voltage of 6 volts. In series the 8 batteries will give you a voltage of 48 volts. The amp/hour capacity of the batteries will give you the amount of current the device can draw over a specific length of time. Equation to fine amperage is I = W/E, Amps = Watts/Volts. Watts = Amps x Volts.

How to hook a 24 volt trolling motor to 2 12 volt batteries?

You would need to connect the two 12 volt batteries in series. That will give you 24 volts and the amps of one of the batteries. Voltage doubles and amps stay the same.

How is a amp meter connected to measure dc amps?

An Ammeter is connected in series with the circuit that you want to make the measurement on.

How many AA batteries are needed to replace a car battery?

An AA battery is a 1.5 volt battery so if you connected 8 together in series you would have the 12 volts, but you would have no where near the amount of amps necessary to turn the engine over. You could connect several packs of 9 AA batteries connected in series together in parallel and eventually get enough to start the engine. I would estimate you would need 20 packs for a total of 180 batteries.

How many amps will 8 d batteries generate?

Depends on the load, and on how the cells are hooked up, series or parallell.

How do you put 2 batteries in series?

Wire minus - to positive +. Know that this will increase the voltage but the amps will stay the same. Wire two 12 volt batteries together in series and you have 24 volts. Click the link.

What do amps do in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the current (amps) is constant throughout the circuit. This means that the same amount of current flows through each component connected in series. The current is not divided or reduced as it travels through the circuit.