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I don't know much about African catfish, but plecos are very docile community fish. I've never heard of an aggressive catfish, but I don't know about that species specifically. If it's classified as a community fish or is not agressives, they'll be fine together.

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Q: Can African catfish and plecos get along?
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You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish?

a catfish will eat any fish that is 3/4 its size.

Does the algee-eating catfish live in the rainforest?

"The Algae eating" catfish is a very broad term to use when asking this kind of question, though I'm confident you are talking about the Pleco(stomas). Yes they are from the South american rain forest.

You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish in a 50 gallon tank?

No. Goldfish are cold-water fish, plecos (which are catfish) and your other catfish are warm-water fish. You run a heater in a pleco/catfish tank, but no heater in a goldfish tank. Plecos are also territorial toward conspecifics, meaning two plecos in one tank will fight and possiibly kill each other. The other problem? A 50-gallon tank is only large enough for one pleco, even if they weren't territorial. I would return one pleco, either the catfish--what is it, a bagrid?--or the other pleco, and the goldfish. If you want to build a community around one of these big cats, try some medium-sized tough cichlids like Jack Dempseys or firemouths. I kept three Dempseys and a pleco in a 55-gallon aquarium for years, and they were great together.1st: Plecos are catfish.2nd: Goldfish can't live with any other fish besides other goldfish. 3rd: What kind of Catfish is it? 4th: 1 pleco per tank only!

Do catfish get along with Oscars?

You may be able to get away with having a Catfish and an Oscar in the same tank, depending on if the Catfish is large enough that the Oscar can't eat him. Though this does not mean that they will acctually get along, cause that won't happen. A Catfish is the primary prey to the Oscar in the wild, so I don't really see them getting along.

Why are African Butter Catfish endangered?

The white catfish is not an endangered species, common over much of the U.S.

Can janitor fish and a fighting fish be in one aquarium?

First: a "janitor fish" is what Americans call a pleco. Second: yes, you can keep a Betta (fighting fish) and a pleco (janitor fish) in the same aquarium. Plecos are only aggressive to other plecos, so your pleco won't eat the betta. The two fish live in different parts of the aquarium--plecos at the bottom like most catfishes, bettas at the top because they're airbreathers. A betta has the common sense not to mess with a fish as big as a pleco--and it wouldn't matter anyway because plecos are armored fishes. Plus, bettas love to eat snails so they are a good addition to your tank maintenance team. Now! This is the problem: Plecostomus catfishes get huge--if your fish isn't a foot long two years after you get it, you're not feeding it enough. (Plecos eat things like zucchini pieces that you weight down so they sink.) It is a fish that needs AT LEAST a 55-gallon tank to live and be happy. If you've got a small tank like a 10 or a 20 gallon (40 or 80 litres) I would get either Ancistrus catfish (like plecos but much smaller), Corydoras catfish or upside-down catfish.

What is the name of a tropical fish?

African cichlids, barbs, livebearers, synodontis catfish, loaches, cichlids, tetras, mailed catfish, labyrinthfish, and rainbowfish.

Do catfish give birth out their mouths?

Yes. Only female catfish. Males do not give birth obviously.

What type of fish eats algae in fresh water lakes?

Many fish eat algae, it depends on which type of algae. But the fish that do eat algae are catfish, red tailed fish, Florida flag fish, and plecos.

Do plecos eat goldfish?

No. Plecos are classified as herbivores or plant eaters. They are also bottom feeders.

What industries are found along your river river nile?

Catfish aquaculture.

Do Albino catfish get along well with guppies and other library fish?

There are two kinds of 'albino' catfish commonly seen in aquariums. One is the albino channel catfish....which will grow to be VERY LARGE and will eat anything it can put in its gaping mouth...the other kind is the albino corydoras catfish. The corydoras will get along PERFECTLY with guppies and just about any aquarium fish...'library' or not.