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You may be able to get away with having a Catfish and an Oscar in the same tank, depending on if the Catfish is large enough that the Oscar can't eat him. Though this does not mean that they will acctually get along, cause that won't happen.

A Catfish is the primary prey to the Oscar in the wild, so I don't really see them getting along.

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Q: Do catfish get along with Oscars?
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Pleco - Suckermouth catfish , Siamese Algae Eater, Albino Algae Eater , Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco ,Oto Catfish , Plecostomus ( Very aggressive and go well with Oscar ) All algae eaters go well with Oscars.

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There are two kinds of 'albino' catfish commonly seen in aquariums. One is the albino channel catfish....which will grow to be VERY LARGE and will eat anything it can put in its gaping mouth...the other kind is the albino corydoras catfish. The corydoras will get along PERFECTLY with guppies and just about any aquarium fish...'library' or not.

What kind of fish can live with a Oscar?

The best is catfish clown loaches and algae eaters. Any bottom feeders are good.just make sure it is bigger than the oscars voice

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no the Oscar will eat it. i bought an albino clawed frog and my Oscar at it the frog was in the tank for ten min. I had a couple of the albino frogs in the tank with several large Oscars and a synadontis catfish for years. Needless to say when i got the Oscars the frogs were larger than them and unable to eat them so i think that helped a lot. One of the frogs did happen to get eaten by the catfish though when I was transproting them to my new apartment.

Can African catfish and plecos get along?

I don't know much about African catfish, but plecos are very docile community fish. I've never heard of an aggressive catfish, but I don't know about that species specifically. If it's classified as a community fish or is not agressives, they'll be fine together.

What animals live on mudflats?

Yes, " mudcats " , a type of catfish sometimes know as walking catfish. They can cross the mudflats from one watering hole to another. They are found along the Mississippi River , and in places down South.

Can you List fish to get along with goldfish?

Rudd, Orfe, some species of Catfish will all be OK in cold water with Goldfish.

What is mother catfish called?

A male catfish

Do Oscar fish get along with green spotted puffer fish?

no green spotted puffers will kill even very large oscars

What is the scientific name for a Catfish?

There are many fish in the catfish family, but here is a list of selected common species; Blue catfish-Ictalurus Furcatatus, Channel catfish-Ictalurus Punctatus, White catfish-Ameiurus Catus, Flathead Catfish-Pylodictis Olivaris.