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Q: Can CPR done to patient who has a fractured rib?
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What is the contraindication for CPR?

According to Red Cross, all patients in cardiac arrest may receive resuscitation unless (1) the patient has a valid "Do Not Attempt Resucitation" (DNAR) order, (2) the patient has signs of irreversible death such as rigor mortis, decapitation, or dependent lividity and (3) if there is no physiological benefit that can be expected because the vital functions have deteriorated despite maximal therapy for such conditions as progressive septic or cardiogenic shock. A patient with a fractured rib may also be contraindicated for CPR to avoid puncturing of vital organs by the fractured rib.

What bone does cpr break?

CPR doesn't have to break any bones.But heart compressions have to be done with some force, and might crack a rib or two.

What if a fractured rib has not healed in 4 months?

If the rib has not yet healed you will need to go back to the doctor and most likely have surgery done to put the rib in place and to also get your stomach a special wrap to keep you from using your stomach muscles as much.

What can you do against rib pain after a fall?

Rib pain after a fall may indicate a fractured rib. Such diagnosis is made on X-ray imaging along with clinical features. Treatment normally consists of pain control through analgesics to avoid the complications of a fractured rib which include pneumonia.

How is breathing affected when one suffers from asthma or a fractured rib?


If I have rib cage pain, does this mean that I have fractured/broke a rib?

While rib cage pain can be caused by a broken or fractured rib there could be several other causes as well including inflammation of the cartilage near the breastbone, pleurisy, muscle spasms, and osteoporosis. Only a doctor can tell you for sure what if causing your particular rib cage pain.

Which ribs normally break during CPR?

Yes it's very possible and quite common because compressing the chest is an unnatural movement. If a rib or two break, please do not stop CPR as this is an injury that can be repaired later, your priority is giving the patient a chance at survival.

What is worse a fractured or a cracked rib?

Both can be as painful as each other. Even if the rib is broken there is nothing that can be done medically other than wait for it to heal. It usually takes around 4-6 weeks for a bruised rib to heal, roughly about the same time as a broken one.

What does it feel like when you're giving CPR?

Giving CPR can be damaging. Ideally the heart is not meant to be "massaged" through the rib cage. There is a chance that you will break ribs during CPR. However, you must keep in mind that if you need to do CPR, the person is dead. ANYTHING you do can possibly help. Even though you may break a rib or two, it's better than watching someone die.

What happens if you do not treat a broken rib?

There are several things that are bound to happen if your rib gets fractured. You will definitely be in pain and the organs that are protected by the rib cage like the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and so on may be damaged.

Could the pain in the upper right side of your rib cage be a fractured rib?

Could be - feel along the circumference of the rib if you are able to see if it gets more tender anywhere - it is hard to miss if you broke a rib - it is very painful to lie on or breathe. But it could also be other things related to lungs, etc - worth getting checked out.

What are some common causes of rib pain?

There are several possible causes of rib pain. An injury could cause the ribs to be fractured or bruised. It could also be pleurisy, which is rib pain usually associated with deep breaths. It could also be caused by osteoporosis.