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it depends on what type of road your own but most commercial vehicles have a wide turning radius to safely make the turn so they might have to take two lanes to make a turn or even go into oncoming when safe.

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Q: Can Commercial vehicles legally swing left to make a wide right turn into a driveway?
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When approaching any intersection or driveway?

If you're walking look, first, over your left shoulder for vehicles turning right, and then look right for vehicles not stopping . If your driving, look left, then right, then left again. specially for motorcycles.

When do pedestrians have the right of way over motor vehicles in Arizona?

Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, I still look both ways though :) In Oregon pedestrians only have the right of way at crosswalks or intersections. If they cross in the middle of the block they must legally yield to vehicles before crossing.

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To yield the right of way means slowing down or stopping to allow other vehicles and pedestrians to proceed first. This happens at intersections when entering a private road or driveway and is especially important on pedestrian crossings.

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If you mean while backing out of or otherwise driving out of an alley or a driveway and onto a street, yes. Cars on the road have the right of way, therefore you should stop. You should also stop to look for pedestrians and people riding bicycles.

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When you are leaving a alley or private driveway and approaching a sidewalk you should?

When entering or crossing a road, street, or highway from a private road, alley, building, or driveway after stopping prior to the sidewalk, you shall yield the right-of-way to all approaching vehicles and pedestrians.

Are commercial vehicles restricted from making right turns on red?

No, they are not. Some companies, however, may have a company policy prohibiting their drivers from doing such.

Can someone park across your driveway?

Yes it is not illegall for someone to park right across the street in front of your driveway

What is meant by yielding the right of way?

To yield the right of way means slowing down or stopping to allow other vehicles and pedestrians to proceed first. This happens at intersections when entering a private road or driveway and is especially important on pedestrian crossings.

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Who has the right of way a car coming out of the driveway or the pedestrian walking across it?

the pedestrian has the right of way

Does a person legally have to look right and left before moving their vehicle if their light is green?

No, this is not a law, it is a safety measure to ensure that nobody is running a red light or emergency vehicles are coming.