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Q: Can Eating disorders can be pervented but once they begin there are few treatments?
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What age do people have eating disorders?

Eating disorders are most common problems of today world. And it can be at any age. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders quotes some disturbing facts regarding eating disorders: 8,000,000 or more people in the United States have an eating disorder, 90% are women. Victims may be rich or poor. Eating disorders usually start in the teens but may begin as early as age 8.

What disorders begin with the letter A?

autism, ADHD

How do models become thin?

Many models are very tall and thin to begin with. They often watch what they eat and diet and exercise to maintain a thin frame. Many do have "poor" eating habits or eating disorders to maintain an extreme thinness, too.

Do eating disorders affect you mentally?

Most eating disorders are mental to begin with. They rarely stem from just the simple desire to lose weight. If they have a negative influence in their life (media, 'friends', family, bullies, etc.) telling them they are fat then that is what causes the eating disorder. People who develop eating disorders are usually just trying to control their lives. Being able to control how much they do or do not eat is a way to maintain that illusion of control which (mostly, to them at least) makes up for lack of control in other areas of their lives. Many people who suffer from eating disorders never fully recover because they have been relying on this outlet for so long that they have never learned positive ways to deal with their problems. Eating disorders are a cycle and most people tend to fall right back into the order of things because it has become a habit.

How many people overcome eating disorders?

About 60% will eventually come to terms and fully recover from their eating disorders eventually. After the 1st time of treatment, only about 30% fully recover. As time goes on, more people with eating disroders begin to fully recover from the disease.

Eating Disorder: A Silent Killer?

The term eating disorder covers a broad range of disorders that usually restricts the amount of nourishment a person receives. Anorexia and bulimia are the most well known but there are many more sub-types. Eating disorders are dangerous because a person can quickly become malnourished, experience bone loss, organ tissue damage, and even death. Most people with eating disorders are very secretive about their condition, so it is important to monitor a person closely if they suddenly begin to lose large amounts of weight.

When did eating disorders begin?

In ancient Roman times, at parties, people would binge, and then throw up so that they could eat again, though I suppose it could have begun before that...

Why would organs shut down if you have an eating diorder?

Organs shut down or are stressed in people with eating disorders because of the lack of nutrition. Without eating properly and / or mainting a healthy lifestyle and weight, the organ do not have the nutrients that they need to function properly. As a result, they cannot operate and will begin to fail or be placed under a lot of stress.

How do diseases in the circulatory and respiratory begin to develop?

Diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems begin to develop due to disorders of the heart and lungs.

Where online can I read more about an eating disorder?

One of the easiest place to start is ot tell someone you trust. This could be a parent, relative, friend, ect. They can help you begin to get better. It is important to go to a doctor or rehab center that specializes in treating people with eating disorders. They can help to get you healthy and treated once again. There are services and support groups that you can join, too.Ans)Fortunately, if you need anorexia help it's just a phone call away. Call toll free 1-800-588-5158 number to get help. You can also log on , for more information about anorexia treatment programs.

How do you Deal with Mental Disorders and Pay for Its Treatment?

Health is the key to living a long and fulfilling life. These days a lot of people are obsessed with the topic of health. It is constant topic that is being researched. Each day there is some new diet that can be followed or a new workout routine. A lot is done to keep the body healthy but, very little is done for the mind. Perfect health is where the mind and body work in unison. A person cannot be considered healthy if they are only physically fit. The mind controls the body. If they mind is healthy so, will the body be. However, there are a number of health conditions that affects the mind too. These conditions are known as mental disorders. There are plenty of people who suffer from these problems. In fact, research has shown that one out of every five people that we meet has a mental disorder. These disorders are treatable and curable. There are plenty of treatments that one can bank on to get better. However, keep in mind that these treatments are expensive and not very many people can afford them. But, if you had health insurance you would not have to worry about paying for treatment. The ideal thing to do is opt for a health insurance mental health policy. There are plenty of policies, with affordable premiums that you can opt for. There are numerous types of mental disorders, but some are more common than the rest. These disorders include mood disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, addiction disorders, and personality disorders. Here are a little more details about each one. Mood disorders- this type of disorder is also called affective disorders. This involves long periods of sadness or extreme happiness. In fact, the mood of a person fluctuates between periods of extreme sadness or extreme happiness. The most common mood disorders that people are detected with are mania, depression, and bipolar disorders. Psychotic disorders- this disorder involves unclear awareness and thinking. The two most common symptoms of this disorder are hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are seeing things or gearing sounds that are really not there. On the other hand, delusions are false beliefs that a person perceives as true. One of the most famous psychotic disorders is Schizophrenia. Eating disorders- this type of disorder involve extreme emotions, behavior, and attitude in regards to food and weight. Eating disorders are mostly detected in young girls. Some of the types of disorders are Bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and Anorexia. Addiction disorders- people who are detected with this type of disorder are addicted to certain substances like alcohol and drugs. They become so involved with the substances that they begin to ignore their families, responsibilities, and even their relationships. All these types of disorders are treatable and curable. Although the treatment is quite expensive, there are a number of affordable health insurance policies that a person can opt for. Having health insurance means that you will not have the stress of arranging the funds to pay for your treatment and doctor visits when you need them.

How do the diseases in respiratory and circulatory systems begin to develop?

Diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems begin to develop due to disorders of the heart and lungs.