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Only if there is a tear however small. Sometimes this can happen at birth.

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Q: Can HIV travel from mother's blood to fetus through placenta?
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What happens to a baby's blood as it passes through a placenta?

diffuse across the placental membranes into the mothers bloos.

Does Tylenol with codeine travel through the placenta?

Yes. Anything in the mother's blood goes through.

How does food pass through the mother to get to the fetus to feed of off?

The baby is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta. The placenta is attached to the inside of the womb. Blood carries food through the blood vessels in the wall of the womb and the blood vessels of the placenta absorb the food.

How are nutrients carried from mother to baby in mammals?

In pregnancy they go from the mother to the baby through the umbilical cord

What process moves nutrients from the mother to developing foetus?

In mammals this is done by the placenta, through which the foetal blood flows and exchanges nutrients/gasses with the mothers blood supply.

Through which part can harmful substances such as nicotine pass from the mothers blood to the babys blood?

trough the placentai thinkshould be umbilical cord...... I think too

What is the source of the embryo's food?

An embryo plugs into it's Mothers blood supply through the placenta. The embryo gets all it's nutrition and oxgen through this connection.

What absorbs oxygen and food from the mothers blood in placenta mammals?

I THINK THAT A monotremes is the answer.

Does a baby get hurgry inside his mother belly?

No, the baby is supplied with food in its blood via the placenta, the placenta is connected to the mother's blood supply and the baby's food gets to it from the mothers blood.

Does Mother's blood flows into the foetus through placenta.True or False?

False. The mothers blood flows through the placenta in vessels next to the foetal blood that flows in separate vessels. Oxygen and nutrients can flow from the mothers blood into the foetus' blood and carbon dioxide and waste products can flow from the foetus' blood to the mother's blood through the vessel membranes, however the two bloods will never actually mix.

Blood through the umbilical cord to the placenta?

Yes your blood supply is shared with your baby though the placenta.

How do tadpoles develop without a placenta that links them to its mothers blood supply?

They develop by feeding from the yolk of the egg that the frog has laid and that is the equivalent of a placenta.