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HPV does not directly cause sterility. In the relatively uncommon event that Cervical cancer requires removal of the uterus, fertility may be affected.

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Q: Can HPV cause you to become sterile?
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What's the main reason men become sterile?

The main reason men become sterile is the cause of a low sperm count. One could also choose to become sterile and have a vasectomy so as to not have any more children.

If a man is not circumcised can it cause you to become sterile?

No. Circumcision has nothing to do with fertility.

Does hpv cause cancer in males?

HPV can cause anal, penile, and head and neck cancers in males.

What is the difference between HPV and genital herpes and can both cause cancer?

HPV (human papillomavirus) causes all kinds of warts -- on your hands, feet, knees, and genitals. Some subtypes of HPV cause genital warts; a few high risk types can cause cancer, including cancer of the cervix, anus, penis, vulva, head, and neck. The types of HPV that cause warts are not the types that cause cancer. Genital Herpes is caused by a herpetic virus, is not related to warts, and is not linked to cancer like HPV is. However, having genital herpes AND HPV increases your risk of cancer from the HPV virus.

Can you become pregnant if you have hpv?


What can happen to a person with HPV?

HPV is now one of the most prevalent viruses affecting female genital health. Untreated HPV can cause cervical and uterine cancer, make a female sterile, and create stress and emotional upheaval in a woman's life because of the stress and fear associated with cancer. Many women can receive adequate treatment before HPV causes severe damage. But the only way to know if HPV is present is through regular gynecological exams. If a woman is diagnosed, she shouldn't ignore it because the virus will progress and cause health problems. Parents of girls debate about the new vaccine to protect girls against HPV. But it is the only defense against this rampant and widespread disease.

Do you have to have hpv to have genital warts?

HPV has over 30 different types. Only a few of the types cause warts. Unless your healthcare provider tells you that you have genital warts, you do not.

Is HPV cancer?

No. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a virus that has the potential to cause cancer and/or genital warts. Just because you have HPV does not mean you have or will have cancer, but we now it is the primary cause of several types of cancer.

What foods are best for someone who had HPV?

HPV infections rise sharply in the mid teens. Most HPV infections do not cause any symptoms so it is possible to be infected by HPV and not know about it.

WHAT STD can cause genital warts or cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is typically caused by HPV. Studies have shown some 70% of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer are caused by HPV.The Human Papilloma Virus can cause cervical cancer in women if it is left untreated.human paillomavirus(hpv)

Can HPV cause brown discharge?

HPV does not cause brown discharge unless the cervix is severely affected. See your health care provider if you are having unusual discharge.

Is HPV a viral STD?

HPV is a viral STD. HPV can cause genital warts or cancerous/precancerous lesions in the cervix or anus.