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Q: Can Have a drink of alcohol when I am having an eye bleed?
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How long do you wait to resume workout after drinking alcohol?

If the alcohol is not affecting your judgment or coordination, drink plenty of water and have at it. Be aware that alcohol is a diuretic, and keep an eye on your hydration level.

Can the eye get its vision back after it has bleed?

yes it can

Why does your eye makeup smear when you drink alcohol?

Alcohol causes over-activity of tear glands in some people. This causes watering of the eyes, and smearing of mascara. It is also not uncommon to have a reaction to some ingredient in a mixed drink. Finally, as alcohol breaks down inhibitions, it is not unusual to have an impulse to cry, causing more tearing.

Having less then one drink can impair your driving?

Alcohol can impair your reaction times and hand eye co-ordination. The way alcohol affects a person is dependent on their physiology, weight, drinking habits and metabolism. A Small amount of alcohol can actually improve your reflexes and reaction times (in short the right quantity makes you better) HOWEVER this quantity is rather small, were talking a few swallows of beer, basically a small portion of a standard drink. If you even begin to feel the affect of alcohol (tipsy) you are well beyond this affect. This effect is also short lived due to the way our bodies process and absorb alcohol

Is it possible for someone's eye's to turn red?

no but i can bleed

Can you drink then it comes out your eye?

yes you can drink then let it come out your eye but it is hard it is a talent !

What are slang names for Alcohol?

booze canned heat fire water hard stuff moonshine red-eye rotgut tipple toddy scoops sauce

Can your eye bleed when you get choked?

Depends on how hard u are choked.

What does a dream mean when you bleed out of your right eye?

It means that you have seen something which you should not have. You bleed in the eye that means you saw wrong thing. You should now carefully avoid going outside.

What happens when a person continues to drink alcohol?

Your reaction speeds are slower and your concentration is also affected by drinking alcohol. Alcohol affects a person’s information-processing skills, also known as cognitive skills, and hand-eye coordination, also referred to as psychomotor skills.Here is an interesting test:

How long do you have to wait to drink alcohol after botox?

Sure for the price of Botox, Haven't you heard of the cavier and champagne party's Actually I get Botox injections for Blepharospasms. Trust me if I didn't have involuntary eye movement I would not get them. Insurance is paying less and less each year. The cost of my last injections were billed $1940. They applied $1192. towards my deductible which is $2500. so I paid out of pocket $1192. Mind you this is a medical condition. I think I should get champagne and cavier for this price!!!

What happens if your eye gets hit with a rock?

It will hurt and probably start to bleed. You will go blind for a moment/ forever in that eye.