

Can Hindus smoke

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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In Hinduism, both smoking and drinking have been termed as Tamo-Guna (quality of dullness, ignorance, delusion, inactivity, inertia, sloth - the third of the three gunas of matter. Sometimes translated as darkness, the phase of tamas is characterized by darkness, ignorance, slowness, destruction, heaviness, disease, etc.) Falling under lowest category of livelihood!

Hinduism abhors both smoking and drinking. However, smoking and drinking do not relate to any religion. They are personal habits / personal traits of character!

To follow or not to follow is the prerogative of every individual human being. For travelers of the spiritual path - both drinking and smoking as per Hinduism are totally prohibited. For maintaining absolute purity of thoughts and for gaining control over senses and the mind, abstinence from drinking and smoking must be strictly observed.
In Hinduism, both smoking and drinking have been termed as Tamo-Guna (quality of dullness, ignorance, delusion, inactivity, inertia, sloth - the third of the three gunas of matter. Sometimes translated as darkness, the phase of tamas is characterized by darkness, ignorance, slowness, destruction, heaviness, disease, etc.) Falling under lowest category of livelihood!

Hinduism abhors both smoking and drinking. However, smoking and drinking do not relate to any religion. They are personal habits / personal traits of character!

To follow or not to follow is the prerogative of every individual human being. For travelers of the spiritual path - both drinking and smoking as per Hinduism are totally prohibited. For maintaining absolute purity of thoughts and for gaining control over senses and the mind, abstinence from drinking and smoking must be strictly observed.

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