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Yes. This is possible, due to the fact that many patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have bouts of constipation alternating with loose stools.

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Q: Can IBS cause faecal impaction
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Symptoms of bowl obstruction?

Symptoms include:Cramping and belly pain that comes and goes. The pain can occur around or below the belly button.Vomiting.Bloating.Constipation and a lack of gas, if the intestine is completely blocked.Diarrhea, if the intestine is partly blocked.

What happens as a result to fecal impaction?

A fecal impaction can cause many complications. Some complications of a fecal impaction can be severe pain, GI bleeding, and could ultimately result in death in left untreated.

Why does Overflow incontinence take place?

Overflow incontinence happens when the bladder does not empty completely and urine collects in the end of the penis and begins to dribble out. It could be due to an obstruction such as faecal impaction, an enlarged prostrate, nerve damage, or an abnormality in the urethra.

what are the causes of fecal impaction?

Fecal Impaction is when a large mass of stool hardens in the rectum and is often caused by chronic constipation. Some things that can cause constipation are medications, diet, fluid intake and activity level. For more information on the causes, symptoms and treatments of fecal impaction please refer to this site:

Does sugar cause big stomach?

Yes, you may have IBS.

Can stalky hay cause impaction or more likely if bread fed in addition?

Hay that is too 'stalky' has a small chance to cause an impaction in the horses intestines, but typically it is the ultra fine hays like Coastal Bermuda that are the most likely to cause impaction's. Bread is not good for horses as it converts into sugar quickly and can cause metabolic issues. It is unlikely that bread would cause or help to cause an impaction unless it is fed in large amounts. The most bread a horse should get is one slice every week or so. If you are very concerned about the stalky hay causing an impaction I would suggest putting it in a slow feed hay net or in a bucket and tie the net over the top to make a slow feeder type bucket. this will slow consumption of the hay and allow the digestive tract to process it more effectively.

Is fecal stasis and fecal impaction same?

Not exactly. Fecal stasis just means that there hasn't been any bowel movements. While fecal impaction means some of the stool has become hardened and prevents the passage of more stool. Fecal impaction is one cause of fecal stasis.

What is impaction colic in horses?

Impaction colic is almost always food related, meaning the horse has eaten too much food or bad food. It can also be caused by a horse not having enough water to drink, especially after eating. Impaction colic is just what it sounds like - an impaction of food (a blockage caused by food) in the intestines. Horses who bolt or gulp down their food as well as horses who have problems with their teeth are at a high risk of impaction colic because their food isn't properly digested which can cause impaction and blockages. A high worm infestation can also cause impaction. Keep your horse on a regular worming schedule, at least every 3 months or when the seasons change. Consult with a veterinarian for the best wormer and schedule for your horse. Another cause of impaction colic is the horse ingesting too much dirt and/or sand. You can help prevent this by never feeding your horse hay or grain on the ground. Always use a dish, bucket or bowl and/or hay rack or hay net.

Can Irritable bowel syndrome cause anemia?

IBS is more of a psychological condition rather than a physical condition. So no - it shouldn't cause anaemia. If you have anaemia caused by a gastrointestinal condition then it must be something other than IBS.

Can IBS cause vaginal infections?

It can, due to more abundance of fecal matter in the area.

What is colonic faecal loading?

Faecal loading is the accumulation of stool in the bowel that is of any consistency. The term colonic refers to the colon.

What is the difference between Spasmotic Colic and Impaction Colic?

Spasmotic colic is where the gut is spasming, sort of like a belly ache. Impaction colic is the more dangerous of the two, and it happens when there is an impaction in the gut somewhere. This can usually lead to surgery to remove the impaction.