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Q: Can I get a software update for Aviton AZ281MA GPS?
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How old are the maps for the aviton az281ma gps?

The maps are dated June 2008

Where Can You Get Aviton GPS Software?

Mine came with a CD

How often should you upgrade the software on a GPS?

Most GPS devices update their software automatically, so users don't need to be concerned with upgrades.

Is the Aviton GPS user friendly?

The aviton is very user friendly. I had explored all its features in about an hour and feel confident that I can use them all without getting lost in a menu.

Where do I get software updates for my GPS?

There are two places you can get proper software updates for your GPS. The first and most convienent is online. If you visit the brand website there will be links for software updates that you can load onto your GPS SDcard. The second place is at a good electronic store. They will sell new SD cards with the software update that you can just insert into your GPS after removing your old SDcard. There are website that offer to update your GPS software with new maps, be very careful with these sites because they are not compatible with all GPS brands.

Does TomTom sell mapping software for its GPS units?

Yes TomTom does sell mapping software for their GPS units. Most of the new GPS systems come with a cable that you will link to your computer to update the maps and features of your TomTom.

How do I update the maps on my Tom Tom GPS?

Install the TOM TOM software from the website and plug the TOM TOM GPS into the computer using a USB cable. Then follow the instructions given by the software.

How do you update the initial gps model GM 510?

To update the initial gps model gm-510, one must locate a proper satellite or wifi signal and scan for a software update. If one is available than click the update button and the device will be up to date.

How do I download the most recent Garmin update?

Yes, Garmin regularly update their software with new maps and routes. You need to connect your GPS to your computer and then the software can be downloaded from Garmin's official website.

How do you update maps for GPS brada PG65601?

To update maps on the GM-351, the unit must be sent to the manufacturer for a software upgrade. There will be a charge for the updated software and shipping costs.

Can you update the maps on an aviton gps navigation system az391ma?

Type the name of your gps on google or any other search engines you know of and go the the website of what your gps is. E.g I have garmin so I would go to the garmin website and you download the updates from the website, but there is a charge depending on the package you choose, I believe there is a one time free download depending on your manufacturer.

How do you update a Toyota GPS?

Take your Toyota to your dealer and they can update it for you.