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You already have sole custody

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Q: Can I get custody without a lawyer when the father will not show up for the court case his name is not on the bc or her passport never married and no custody court order just csupport from state?
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Can a mother with full custody get a passport without father's signature?

neither parent can.

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If you have joint custody can one parent take the child out of the country for a vacation without the other parent's permission in Indiana?

No, as both signatures are required on the passport.

Do you have custody if children live with you?

Depends on the circumstances. If you are a single father, without court orders, the mother still has sole custody and control. If married, you have possession, however if you file for child support, you have a presumption of custody.

Can a mother who has joint physical custody of her son pierce his ears without the consent of the father?

If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.

If never married can a woman take her child out of the country without the fathers permission?

If she has full custody, then yes.

Can a father take a child out of state if the parents are not married and there is no custody appointed?

Not without the permission of the child's biological mother. When a couple are not married and there is not a custodial order from the court, the law presumes that the mother has sole custody of the child in question.

My Grandparents have physical custody and shared custody with mother only Can you get married before 18 years of age without their written consent?

Adding to the question it is in the commonwealth of virginia.

Does a mother automatically have custody even without court papers?

not if she's married, or a single mother living in Arizona

Can i get Romanian passport if i marry Romanian?

You can get a passport to anywhere no matter if you are married to someone of that nationality or not. If you want to go to Romania that go with or without a romanian husband or not. You can become a Romanian citizen if you marry a Romanian and therefore get a Romanian passport.

Is there a difference in a parent who has custody of the children but not married vs the parent that does not have custody and is getting married and is fighting for custody of the children?

Being married or unmarried is not much of a determining factor when it comes to custody nowadays. In order to have custody changed you would need to prove that either your household and parenting abilities are substantially better than the other parent, or that their situation is detrimental to the children. Having a spouse does not necessarily mean that you are better able to care for the children, especially if the other parent has had custody for a significant length of time without the children having any problems in a single parent household.

What is the duration of A Lady Without Passport?

The duration of A Lady Without Passport is 1.23 hours.