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Your parents have to give you up for adoption or your neighbor has to take your parents to court and convince the judge/jury they are bad parents who can't take care of you

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Q: Can I legally get adopted by my neighbor in Ohio if I no longer want to live with my parents?
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What does adopted?

Adopted means that a child is accepted and legally made a part of a family that they were not born into. After the court hearing, the child is a part of the new family, legally, it is just like they were born into that family. It also means that legally, they are no longer a part of the family they were born into.When your adopted means that other people that are not your parents will become your parents. Like lets say some kid's parents die so they dont have anyone to live with so they go to foster care to get adopted so that other people will become your parents......yeah.......?

Do you as parents have to keep your children after they turn 18?

Legally, no you don't. They are legally classed as adults, and as such (unless they have an exception, such as certain disabilities) you are not legally obliged to look after them any longer.

What happens legally when you turn eighteen in North Carolina?

You're a legal adult. Your parents are no longer legally or financially responsible for you, and you are no longer subject to the rules and control of your parents (of course if you live under their roof, you got to follow their rules or risk being kicked out).

Are your parents legally responsible for you if you are under the age of 24?

It depends on the law in your state. In Maryland the age of majority is 18, in Colorado it is 19. Once you have reached the age of majority your parents are no longer legally responsible for you.

Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in Utah?

In Utah, you can legally move out of your parents' home at age 17 with their consent. If your parents do not give consent, you would need to seek emancipation from the court, which can grant you legal independence before turning 18.

Are parents still legally responsible in any way for an 18 year old child in the state of Florida?

As long as the child is under the age of 18, the parents can be held liable. In some cases the parents can be relieved of the responsibility if there are indications that they have been trying to get them help.

Can I kick my 18 yr. old son out and not be responsible for him any longer. He's out of control.?

Yes, once he is 18 he is legally an adult and parents are no longer responsible for him.

Can a 16-year-old married female move out of her parents' house?

Yes. * If you were legally married you are considered legally emancipated and are no longer in the custody of your parents, therefore you may move from the parental residence at any time you so choose.

Your grandson is adopted by a couple in North Carolina you live in NJ Can you obtain Visitation rights in NC?

No, because they are no longer your legal grandson.....It is up to the parents who adopted the child to decide if they see you or not.

Are parents legally responsible for a 19 yr old not living in their home in New York?

In New York, parents are generally not legally responsible for a 19-year-old child who does not live at home. At 18, individuals are considered adults, and parents are typically no longer legally obligated to provide for them. However, there may be exceptions based on specific circumstances or legal agreements made by the parents.

Can a 17 year old get married in California?

A 17-year-old can get married in California if they are legally emancipated from their parents, or their parents sign a legal document. Once married, they can no longer rely on their parents for support.

Is a parent legally responsible for an 18 year old once they move out of their house?

No, the parents are no longer responsible for them. They are an adult and responsible for themselves.