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There are a lot of product testing scams on the internet, but some people make money and earning prizes. Always be careful about giving your bank information out. Don't trust product testing companies that want your account information.

The best way to do product testing is locally. Most product testing companies pay you in cash at the end of each session. Also, if you're doing to testing in person you know it is legitimate.

Well that is call a TPA (Third Party Administrator) some states only require that you follow proper procedure and in case of a positive you send the sample to be tested throug GC / MS. First if you want to establish yourself get a product that is FDA 510K Clear. Manufacturer at this level follow the same guide lines that NIDA establish in relation to cut-off levels. Then look for a lab that will do your confirmation test for positives using GC/MS and they should provide MRO service. For you onsite drug test products you can use since their products

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