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Q: Can I move a wild cat and kittens to new area?
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How do you move the kittens into a box if your cat has had her kittens outside of her box?

If you try to move them she will probably move them where you can't get to them. My mother cat moved her kittens into the grage behind alot of junk after we tried moving them.

How many kittens can a wild cat have at 1 time?


What to do when a wild cat has kittens in your yard and doesn't seem to be staying with the kittens much?

if they are wild cats... call the animal department and they will take care of it.

How soon after having kittens should you move cat?

The best idea is to leave the cat there until the cat comes out.

Why would mother cat mover her kittens?

If the area were she had her babys is continually disturbed mother cat will move her babys cats like a dark enclosed place like a closet to have babys

Could i removed my cat's 6 days old kittens from under my bed?

You can, however, keep in mind the mother cat instinct will tell her to hide her kittens. This is common in the wild. You may move the kittens, only to notice she will move them back, in the cover of night, or when you are not at home.If the kittens are out of harm, it's best to let mom do what she does for her young, in her way.Observe the kittens. Make sure they are getting proper nutrition. If one looks sick, then remove it. Otherwise, it's probably best to leave them where mom feels comfortable.

Why did the cat move her 1 week old kittens from the corner of the closet into the baby's playpen?

She felt that her kittens would be safer there.

Your cat had kittens under the couch anyway you can move them to a better spot?

no do not move them the mother thinks this is a safe spot and if you move them she will just move them back or somewhere else. I moved my kittens when my cat had them under my bed and she moved them to under the couch and we couldn't find them and they froze to death. Dont move them

If a cat with two kittens is living under your deck and you do not feed them do you have a problem?

You need to trap the mother cat and take the babies and cat into a safe place like the garage.Get the kittens around people so they are not wild anymore.Then when the kittens get better you can set the mother cat back into the wild , you can keep the cat as your own ,or give the the cat to the shelter.With the babies you can give them away or whatever you want to do with them.It wont be a problem if do this right. By the way get the cat fixed so they don't have babies in your yard again.

Why does your cat bring her kittens crickets?

Largely, to teach them how to hunt. A cat in the wild does eat insects, including crickets. As the kittens get bigger, you may find that your cat starts bringing in mice, voles, and later, rats for them to practice their hunting skills on.

Why does a kitten tail move?

A Kittens Tail Moves When The Kitten/Cat. Is Scared Or Angry.

Who many kittens do cats have?

It greatly varies, from whether it is a domestic or wild cat, and the breed. I have heard/seen cats havving anywhere from 3-9 kittens.