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NO! as a matter of fact it may be deamed a criminal act. You can however try to get the courts permission if your ex is resisting it.

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Q: Can I move from pa with kids and primary custody without my ex's permission?
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Can I move from AR. with kids and primary custody without ex's permission?


Can you loose custody of your kids if you move from one coast to the other one?

If without the permission of the parent or the courts.

Can a father wthtout custody go to a country that doesn't extradite to us with kids?

No, legally he cannot take them with him without your permission.

I was never married to my kids father In Louisiana do I need permission to take my kids out of state?

im assuming that there wasnt ever any custody case so no you dont need any permission. but if you or him have gone to court for any type of custody then you will need permission

Can mother take kids out of state an hide them from dad?

If the final divorce decree stipulates joint legal custody, neither parent can take the children out of state without the others permission.

Can maternal mother take her kids out of Florida without permission if neither parent has legal custody?

If there is no formal custody order, both parents are presumed to have equal rights to the children. If one party leaves the state of residence and the other goes to court and files for custody, there is a risk that the judge will view the move as child kidnapping. It's very important to get a clear custody order and permission to move before leaving the state before or during custody proceedings. Eva

Can you take your kids to a psychologist if you have joint custody and their father disagrees?

Joint legal custody, no, not if the other parent objects. You must secure their permission or failing that, the permission of the court which is the only authority that may override a parent's objections in such a situation.

Can my kids come live with me while there father is in Korea we have joint custody but he has primary custody he wants the kids to stay with his current wife?

Of course! Call the father and talk to him one on one.(no kids around) convince him. If he still says no say they will call you everyday... If he gives you permission tell him to call his current wife. Get it in writing so he can not charge you for kidnapping or abduction or whatever. Have people that were witnesses also.

If mother has primary custody can she send child to live with relatives without fathers permission Do you still have to pay mother child support if mother and son live in different states?

No she absolutely cannot do that. In fact, wherever she lives, she isn't legally authorized to leave the state with those kids WITHOUT your written consent. If you agree and it's in writing, she can take the kids to another state and, no matter where they are, child support still applies.

Can you go to jail for moving your kids to another state if you have joint custody?

Not without permission from the court with agreement from the joint custodial parent.

What can a father do if the mother of his children took the kids and moved to another state without his permission?

What can a father do if the mother of. His children took the kids and moved to another state without permission.

Can you travel to Puerto Rico with your Kids without their fathers permission?
