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Q: Can I receive partial Social Security benefits from husband at the same time collecting his military pension?
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Can you collect unemployment benefits while you are on Social Security for widows?

You can generally still collect unemployment while collecting social security, unless it is social security disability...even then you still might be able to. I worked for the Unemployment Office & just an FYI, they do not know if you are on social security and are unable to check, so if you do not say anything, they will never know.

Can married spouse assume money from husband's retirement benefits?

It depends on the type of retirement benefits. A private retirement plan should be reviewed for spousal benefits. In the United States a wife can collect Social Security under her husband's benefit if the amount would be greater than collecting on her own earnings.

What are your rights for collecting ssa benefits on a ex-husband?

If you had been married to your husband more than 20 years, you should still be able to receive SSI benefits from your exhusband. Check with

How much do you get in widow's benefits from social security?

There is no widows benefits given. The only check you will get as a widow is a burial check in the amount of $250.00. You have to report his date of death to the social security office. If your husband was in the military he could be buried free in Arlington Cemetery and get a soldiers funeral, army band and all.

Can retired postal employee draw social security benefits from deceased husband?


Why can't you draw your own social security while you are drawing your dead husband's social security?

You cannot draw benefits of two people. When your husband passed, there should have been a review of your benefits. If the ones based on his income were higher, then that is the amount you will receive.

When does the spouse qualify for social security under you?

IF a couple was married and then divorced,and then lived together as husband and wife for over 25 years, then the "husband" abandoned her, can she receive social security benefits (in Texas)?

Can an ex-spouse receive her social security benefits from ex-husband of 50 yrs and will it affect his ss benefits?

If you are divorced, you can receive benefits based on your ex-husband's work if-Your marriage lasted 10 years or longer; You are unmarried; You are age 62 or older; The benefit you are entitled to receive based on your own work is less than the benefits you would receive on your husband's work; and Your ex-husband is entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits. If he has not applied for benefits, but can qualify for them and is age 62 or older, you can receive benefits on his work if you have been divorced from him for at least two years. See:

Does your ex husband need to be collecting social security before you can collect?

No. Once you're divorced the SS treats you as two separate people.

What do you do when the ex wife uses your husband's Social Security?

First find out why his ex-wife is using your husband money. Perhaps your husband is helping her out due to financial assistance or other reasons. Therefore, before confronting your husband, try to find out more and highlight to him that you feel very concern on this issue. Communication and trust are 2 important elements to a marriage.Answer and ClarificationYou haven't mentioned your age and what you mean by "uses your husband's Social Security". If she is using his Social Security number on official documents in place of one of her own, she is committing fraud and he should report it to the Social Security Administration. If you mean she is collecting a benefit under his SS#, she is entitled to it.Briefly:Benefits for a divorced spouseYour divorced spouse can get benefits on your Social Security record if the marriage lasted at least 10 years. Your divorced spouse must be 62 or older and unmarried.The amount of benefits he or she gets has no effect on the amount of benefits you or your current spouse can get.Also, if you and your ex-spouse have been divorced for at least two years and you and your ex-spouse are at least 62, he or she can get benefits even if you are not retired.

If a husband that receives ssi disability and military disability dies what survivors benefits will the wife get?

Don't kill your husband! He's disable and is a veteran. What are you thinking?!