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This is not recommended - any bacteria that may have been present in the eggs got fed two days ago with the addition of the flour and now have had two days to multiply.

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Q: Can I still use the flour-eggs batter you kept uncook in the refrigirator for 2 days?
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Yes, the batter is still credited with a hit.

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it depends on the situation. If the count is two strikes then it is an out because if the batter is insied the box then it is a fould ball and a two strike foul ball on a bunt attempt is an out. If there is one strike or zero strikes then the batter can be called out or a foul ball. If he is still in the batter's box and the ball touches him then it is a fould ball but if the batter is outside the batter's box and the ball touches him, then he is out.

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No. It can still be a no hitter. But a perfect game requires the pitcher to retire every batter he or she faces. A perfect game is broken whenever any batter reaches base, including by hit, walk, or error.

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In regular baseball rules, the ball is still live, even if it hits the ground first, until it hits the batter, then it becomes a "dead ball". If it never hits the batter, its still a live ball.

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no. the batter can stay in the batters box as long as they dnt move when someone is stealing third base. if the batter tried to block the catcher tho by moving, the bater is out. if the catcher hits the batter and the batter is still standing in the batters box, and the catcher throws to third base and the third baseman tags the runner the runner is still safe.

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If he is still in the box no its foul but if he is in the field of play and hits it when no one on the other team has thrown it then yes he is.

Can a runner get out if the batter gets walked?

Yes. The ball is not declared dead on a walk. The batter could even attempt to steal second right away if he chose to.

Can the man of first steal second if the batter strikes out?

Yes the ball is still live

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If the baseball hit the ground in foul territory, the ball is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory, and the batter/runner is still in the batter's box when the baseball hits him, it is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory and the batter/runner is out of the batter's box when the baseball hits him, the batter/runner is out and the ball is dead.