


Storage of Meats Poultry and Seafood

Questions about food storage, specifically proteins such as meats, poultry, and seafood.

2,317 Questions

Would detection of EColi in meat be indicative of contamination or spoilage of the product?

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Detection of E. coli in meat would typically indicate contamination rather than spoilage. E. coli is a bacteria commonly found in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, so its presence in meat suggests that fecal material may have contaminated the product during processing. Spoilage, on the other hand, is usually caused by different types of bacteria, yeasts, or molds that can grow on the meat and cause it to deteriorate in quality.

Does rotting meat give off methane?

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Yes, rotting meat can emit methane as part of the decomposition process. When organic matter decomposes in an anaerobic (without oxygen) environment, such as a landfill or a sealed container, methane is produced as a byproduct.

Why cannot bacteria grow on salted meat?

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Bacteria require water to grow and reproduce. Salting meat draws water out of bacterial cells through a process called osmosis, causing them to become dehydrated and unable to survive or multiply. This prevents bacterial growth on salted meat.

What animal does saltpeter come from?

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Saltpeter (potassium nitrate) is a mineral that is not derived from animals. It is naturally occurring and is commonly used in fertilizers, gunpowder, and food preservation.

Will cheese last longer if stored in aluminum foil?

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Cheese can last longer when stored in aluminum foil because it helps to minimize exposure to light and air. However, it's important to first wrap the cheese in wax paper or parchment paper before wrapping it in aluminum foil to prevent it from coming into direct contact with the foil, which can impart a metallic taste to the cheese. Refrigerate the cheese properly to ensure its longevity.

How long willit take for frozen bologna to become refrigerated and then form mold?

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It typically takes a few hours for frozen bologna to thaw in the refrigerator and change to a refrigerated state. If left in the refrigerator for an extended period (usually a few weeks), mold may start to form on the bologna due to exposure to air and moisture.

What happens to all bacteria in frozen food?

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Most bacteria become dormant and do not multiply in frozen food. However, some bacteria can survive freezing and may resume growth once the food is thawed. It is important to properly handle and cook frozen food to prevent foodborne illness.

Bacteria generally grows well in foods that?

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are high in moisture, have a neutral pH, and are stored at temperatures between 40-140°F. Examples include meat, poultry, dairy products, and cooked vegetables.

How Well Do Disinfectants Work On Lunch Meat?

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Disinfectants are not typically recommended for use on food products like lunch meat as they may be harmful if consumed. It is best to follow proper food safety practices by keeping lunch meat refrigerated, handling it with clean hands and utensils, and storing it in airtight containers to prevent contamination.

Why must cooked food be kept hot or cold but never at room temperature?

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Cooked food should be kept hot (above 140°F) or cold (below 41°F) to prevent bacterial growth that can lead to foodborne illness. Room temperature is ideal for bacteria to multiply rapidly, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses. Keeping cooked food hot or cold helps maintain its safety and quality.

What gases are needed for vacuumed fresh meat packing?

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In vacuum-packed fresh meat, typically no gases are added. The vacuum sealing process removes air from the packaging, helping to extend the shelf-life of the meat by preventing oxidation and inhibiting the growth of spoilage microorganisms.

Why do some meats go 'off' quickly and cannot be eaten raw chicken pork whilst others taste better when 'aged' and can be eaten raw or nearly raw beef lamb?

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Meats like beef and lamb can be aged because of their muscle composition and lower water content, which allows the development of flavors and tenderness. Chicken and pork have higher water content and different muscle structures, making them more prone to bacterial contamination and spoilage if not cooked thoroughly. It's important to follow specific food safety guidelines to prevent foodborne illnesses when consuming different types of meat.

Would microorganisms multiply on a cooked chicken in a fridge?

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Yes, microorganisms can still multiply on cooked chicken in the fridge if the temperature is not low enough to inhibit their growth. It is important to store cooked chicken at a temperature below 40°F (4°C) to slow down or prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Store chicken in plastic containers?

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It's safe to store chicken in plastic containers as long as they are food-safe and properly sealed to prevent leakage and cross-contamination with other foods. Make sure the containers are clean and sanitized before use, and store the chicken in the refrigerator below 40°F to prevent bacterial growth.

Does vacuum sealed meat smell bad?

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It shouldn't. Vacuum sealing can he used in 2 ways to enable you to keep it longer. Firstly, vacuum sealed meat keeps in the refrigerator at least twice as long g as it would in the original packaging. The second way is to freeze it after vacuum sealing it. This way it won't get freezer burn. When thawing it, it should left to thaw in the fridge overnight or over a day or 2. If it stinks thst probably means that it wasn't frozen fresh but was left too long until frozen. However many numbers of days left before expiration before you freeze it will be the same number of days until expiration after its removed from the freezer so it's important to freeze meat as fresh as possible.

How many days does it take to thaw a turkey?

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The following link has information pertaining to your question: Seven days in the refridgerator. A 20 pound frozen turkey if placed in the fridge will take three days to thaw.

How long can cooked fish sit out of the refrigerator before going bad?

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Cooked fish should not stay at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Less time is better. At that point, it should be reheated or refrigerated.

How long can Raw salmon be unrefrigerated?

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It's best to use it after one to two days. After that wrap it up tight and freeze till you are ready to use it.

How long does frozen halibut stay good in the freezer?

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First, assuming we freeze at minus 24ºC which is normal in US. households. Old fridges were at minus 18ºC. And the industry goes below minus 35ºC.

Try to freeze the fastest, which means better freezing. Some fridges have a kind of (temporary) turbo freezing button. Try to not open the freezing area, for 2 hours. Put what you freeze, at the very bottom (if you can), which is the coldest. Try to put the fish in touch with the sides of the fridge (its colder).

Obviously, when you touch, you note if its totally frozen, as it must be.

Can fish partially thawed at room temperature be refrozen?

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My freezer was unplugged by a construction worker. I did not catch it for 2 days the food was cold but had defrosted. The fish was in sealed packages but pretty defrosted. Is it ok to refreeze it now or is it dangerous to eat?

Can you freeze thawed fish?

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Meats and even poultry can be taken from the freezer, cooked well and any left overs can be refrozen, but it's risky with seafood. It's best to put the left over fish back in the fridge and eat the next day. You could make a nice salad with the left overs and if it's salmon then make salmon cakes. With cod or halibut you can mix an egg with the crumbled cod or halibut with salt, pepper, fresh or dried dill weed, very small diced onion and then coat with bread crumbs or mashed potatoes and fried or baked.

Can you eat stewed beef after a week in fridge?

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You betcha. In the Canadian North lumberjack stew is left on the woodstove top for a few months. You take out a little bit to eat, and then you put something back in to replace what you took out. 3 month old stew takes fantastic!

You cooked corn beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots covered with foil and forgot and left it in the oven overnight The next morning you put it in the fridge Is it still good to eat?

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If the meat was in a vacuum-sealed package, then you should not have permitted the meat to get above 38°F, due to possible growth of Clostridium botulinum. For oxygen-permeable packaging, if you can guarantee that no part of the meat got above 40°F for no more than 2 hours, then it could still be safe to eat.

The gist of it is that it could be good - or it might not. You will have to make that decision.

How do you keep cooked ribs fresh and moist all day?

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If you are trying to keep cooked ribs hot but not let them dry out, you will have to keep the in a warmer (140 degrees F and above) and in a sealed container - either a closely covered pan or wrapped in foil.